Marshall Scholarship
Application Deadline
Early October
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, graduating seniors, with a GPA of not less than
Open to all majors.
Scholarship Description
Marshall Scholarships financially support young Americans of exceptional ability to
study for a degree in the United Kingdom. “As future leaders, with a lasting understanding
of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between
the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions. Marshall
Scholars are talented, independent and wide-ranging, and their time as Scholars enhances
their intellectual and personal growth. Their direct engagement with Britain through
its best academic programs contributes to their ultimate personal success.”
“The objectives of the programme are as follows:
• To enable intellectually distinguished young Americans, their country's future leaders,
to study in the UK.
• To help Scholars gain an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Britain.
• To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in science, technology, the humanities
and social sciences and the creative arts at Britain's centres of academic excellence.
• To motivate Scholars to act as ambassadors from the USA to the UK and vice versa throughout
their lives thus strengthening British American understanding.
• To promote the personal and academic fulfillment of each Scholar. Founded by a 1953
Act of Parliament, and named in honor of US Secretary of State George C Marshall,
the Scholarships commemorate the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan and they express
the continuing gratitude of the British people to their American counterparts.”
Professor of English
Carnegie Hall 206
(618) 537-6881