University 202 - Careers, the Job Search and Beyond

The University 202 course is designed to offer junior and senior level undergraduate students the opportunity to explore various aspects of the working world and their role as professionals. This course takes students from a glimpse into self-assessment to discovery of career choice, the job search, life in the workplace, financial planning, and the path for continued career development so that students are well prepared to enter into the professional world.

Students enrolled in University 202 will...

  • Be made aware of of career development theories and constructs, as well as how they impact individual career choice and satisfaction.

  • Develop personal awareness as it pertains to professional pursuits and develop a career plan.

  • Conduct research and activities that guide career development and job search efforts.

  • Obtain professional competencies for the job search, as well as work place behavior.

  • Gain awareness of how society, culture, gender and age impact careers and the workplace.

  • Learn how finances and benefits impact job choice and employment negotiations. Students will also have a better understanding of personal finance areas, including credit cards, insurance, loans, and other related areas.

  • Understand what strategies, tools, and technologies can be applied to promote positive career development.

Key Faculty

Photo of Jennifer Pickerell

Jennifer Pickerell

Director of Career Services
Clark Hall 103
(618) 537-6806