Online Psychology Degree

McKendree University offers an online psychology degree program for undergraduate students. The online psychology program is flexible for the busy adult. Students are able to apply knowledge from courses to personal and professional situations. An online bachelor of arts in psychology degree will allow you to make your mark professionally in helping others.



Why an Online Psychology Degree?

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It develops theories and discovers laws to understand, explain, predict, and change behavior. Students in the online psychology program will develop the ability to express themselves in oral and written form and to think critically about human behavior, including causes, development, and outcomes. Also, students will gain a greater self-awareness, an understanding of others, and some fundamental skills relevant to behavior change.



Female Student on Laptop at Home
Flexible Online Course Format

Courses are delivered entirely online using the course
management system Brightspace. The courses for the online psychology program are offered over an eight week or 16 week period. Many students choose to take two courses during an eight week session.



Advancement Opportunities

The online psychology degree prepares students to enter graduate school in psychology and other relevant areas:

  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Industrial Organization
  • School/Community
  • Child
  • Social
  • Health Psychology
  • Counseling
  • Clinical social work
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Sport Psychology
  • Law
  • Divinity
  • Criminal Justice



Career Opportunities

Online psychology majors go on to careers in a variety of fields including:

  • Mental Health Clinics
  • Crisis Centers
  • Substance Abuse Programs
  • Social Work Agencies
  • Eldercare Facilities
  • Human Resources & Personnel Departments
  • Criminal Justice Facilities
  • Educational System



Interesting Online Classes

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Military Psychology
  • Psychology of Human Sexuality
  • Social Psychology
  • Sport & Health Psychology



Next Step

Contact your student services specialists and get details on the admission process, unofficial transcript evaluation, and our next start date.



Key Faculty

Photo of Renee Krebel

Renee Krebel, MSW, LCSW




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*McKendree University has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).