Alumni Association Board of Directors
The Alumni Association Board of Directors is committed to being a strong and visible
organization and is comprised of alums whose class years span several decades. The
Alumni Association Board of Directors mission is to strengthen the relationship between
alumni and the University, enhance the relationships among alumni, and develop a culture
of stewardship toward McKendree among our alumni.
The Alumni Association Board meets four times each year on the second Saturday of
March, June, September and December. The June meeting is the Annual Meeting and is
open to all alumni. Board officers are elected at the Annual Meeting.
The McKendree Alumni Association is always growing with the addition of hundreds of
new alums each year. Because of our ever-growing population the Alumni Board is looking
to expand!
Being a part of the McKendree Alumni Association Board is a tremendous opportunity
and way for you to:
• Give back to your alma mater
• Be a part of the future of McKendree
• Get connected with other McKendree alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends
• Provide valuable feedback and insight on programs and priorities of the Alumni Office
• Assist in creating programs and events which match the interests and needs of alumni
There are 3 committees within the Alumni Association Board: Alumni Engagement, Personal
and Professional Development and Student Engagement. Each member is required to join
at least one committee.
Interested in joining the Alumni Board? Fill out an interest form today! Please note nominations are accepted throughout the entire year.
For more information, contact the Office of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations
at 618-537-6824 or
Meet the McKendree Alumni Association Board of Directors:
Brandon Voss '01
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2015 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I joined the alumni board as an opportunity to give back to the University. I was given a great opportunity during my time at McK through generous donors, wonderful professors and a long history. I want to continue to ensure those opportunities are available for generations to come.
Susan Harbaugh '04
Vice President
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration emphasis in Accounting
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2019 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: Volunteering is crucially important to helping not-for-profits/similar organizations prosper. Giving back
helps me lead a more fulfilling life and I enjoy the new people I’m meeting along the way.
Ali (Willoughby) Jeffers '10, MAED '14
Executive Secretary
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Management
Master of Arts in Education
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2022 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I love serving on the Alumni Board because it is an opportunity for me to give back to a place that has done so much for me. I would not have my career or my core group of friends, that now feel like family, without McKendree.
Connie (Holzinger) Elmore '86
Chairman of the Student Engagement Committee
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and Management
Master of Business Administration from Fontbonne University
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 1999 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: Serving on the Alumni Board is a perfect opportunity for me to give back to McKendree. I had a great learning opportunity at McKendree, and my internship is what jump-started my 30+ year career in the managed healthcare field. By joining forces to serve others, inspiring trust, and rising to the challenge, we can do so much more for our current students and alumni.
Tashia Billups '92
Co- Chairman of the Alumni Engagement Committee
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2019 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: My time dedicated to the McKendree Alumni Board allows me to lend my support, time, energy and resources to the institution that assisted me in shaping my future. More importantly the relationships, the new students and faculty that I get to interact with is priceless to me. It fills my cup!
Joseph Bisso '03
Bachelor of Business Administration
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2024 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I have spent 20+ years in the financial world in multiple roles and each one has included levels of community engagement and networking. During each opportunitiy I seem to always be referencing something about McKendree, everything from how much I enjoyed my time, new friends made, family that graduated from McKendree and even family that have retired from the University. I can always come up with a connection to McKendree no matter the event I am attending. I am proud to be a Bearcat!
Vannessa Curtis '01, '07
Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
Master of Arts in Professional Counseling
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2023 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I joined the McKendree University Alumni Association Board because I want to give back to McKendree University, from whom I received a quality and competitive education. I am very proud to be an alum of McKendree University and want to be a beacon of inspiration for this, and the next generation of McKendree University Alumni.
Cheryl Heard '78
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Master of Science in Education from Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2013 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: Serving on the Mckendree Alumni Association Board allows me the opportunity to give back and pay it forward to the University; connect and collaborate with other alumni; apply my more than 30 years of work, civic and leadership experience in higher education; and most importantly, allows me to donate financially which is an investment in the future of students as they develop and emerge into well-rounded and engaged citizens of an ever-changing 21st century world.
Bruce Hogan '71
Bachelor of Arts in Business Education
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2005 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I want to help in any way that I can to promote McKendree University, recruit students
to come to McKendree for a great college experience, and to bring alumni together.
Dr. Jennifer Jacknewitz '02, MAED '07, Ed.S. '16, Ed.D. '19
Bachelor of Science in Education
Master of Art in Teacher Development
Specialist in Education in Curriculum Design & Instruction
Doctorate in Education in Curriculum Design & Instruction
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2024 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: McKendree was a large part of my educational journey. I have many fond memories of the positive classroom experiences, friendly faces, and campus activities, from plays to the Distinguished Speaker Series to sporting events. Being a teacher, it is important to me to support our community of learners. Giving back allows alumni to connect and serve as the University continues to inspire our future leaders.
Lauren Koerkenmeier '16, MBA '18
Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
Master of Business Administration
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2024 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: Serving on the Alumni Board allows me to stay connected to the University, give back to the University that gave me so many opportunities, and connect with past, present and future students.
Dennis Korte '70
Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Master of Arts in Education from Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2002 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: I enjoy being around people who love McK. I like to help out when I can.
Michelle (Voegele) Powell '12
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2022 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: Visiting McKendree always provides me a sense of being home. With no longer living in Illinois, being on the Board allows me to stay connected with the university that has meant so much to me. I am grateful for the influence McKendree had in shaping me into the professional I am today and I hope giving back on the Board is the first step to saying thank you.
Lauren Reeves '17
Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2019 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: It allows me to stay close to my family and help bring real change to McKendree. I grew up on this campus, so I hope to continue to see it grow into something more beautiful.
Dr. Constance Rockingham '75
Bachelor of Science in Sociology
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2013 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: My service on the Board is related to being an impactful and committed citizen while empowering students and individuals. My ultimate goal is about giving back to an institution that advanced my growth and development opportunities.
Martha Roy '67
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Years active on the Board: June 2017 - present
My reason for serving on the Board: I enjoyed my years in college and want to help others do the same.
Alan Thomas '80
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration emphasis in Accounting
Years active on the Alumni Board: June 2022 - Present
My reason for serving on the Board: With more than 40 years in my career in accounting, I recognized the need to give back to upcoming students and graduates by helping them understand and advance in their future career paths. What McKendree has provided for me, makes me want to help serve and help shape the future.