Pvt. Wilbur Moore

Private Wilbur Fiske MoorePrivate Wilbur Fiske Moore was born on May 24, 1840. Moore was one of 15 men awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor at the Battle of Nashville on Dec. 16, 1864 for participating in the capture of a Confederate battery flag by charging up Shy's Hill, then known as Compton's Hill, well ahead of his regiment and in advance of the Union lines. Moore was personally awarded the Medal of Honor in Washington, D.C. by the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, on Feb. 22, 1865.  Only 1,520 Medals of Honor were awarded by Congress during the Civil War. In 1900, Moore was living in Kansas City, Missouri with his wide Emily. He passed away on Dec. 9, 1924 from pneumonia, a common illness that at the time had no antibiotic treatment.