Jean Sampson, D.Mgt.

Photo of Jean M. Sampson, D.Mgt.

Chair, School of Business

Professor of Management and Marketing

Office: Piper Academic Center (PAC) 106

Phone: (618) 537-6884


D.Mgt., Webster University (2004)

M.A., Human Resource Development and Management, Webster University (1987)

B.B.A., Psychology and Business Administration, McKendree College (1983)

A.A., Belleville Area College (1981)

Teaching Philosophy

I believe it is my responsibility to educate my students in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, I want to instill in my students the need to be a ‘lifelong’ learner and the importance of knowing how management will relate to a global economy.


2015 Inspiration Award given by the Women’s Volleyball team

2014 William Norman Grandy Award

2014 Inspiration Award given by the Women’s Volleyball team

2012 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award

2008 Phi Kappa Phi Honor’s Society

2008 St. Jude Children’s Hospital Honor Award for research fundraising

2007 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 11th edition

Research Interests

I have a real interest in working with persons with disabilities and getting them into the workforce. I have over 15 years experience working with persons with disabilities and I know they add a great synergy to the workplace.

Teaching Interests

Management is an exciting field of study especially now due to globalization and diversity. There are so many companies we can study to integrate theory with learning. And, of course, ethics is interjected in all of the management courses to provide a solid foundation for our future managers.


Sampson, Jean M., DeAnn Hurtado, Rick Moran, and John Talbot. Marketing Management Association. Proc. of The Art and Science of Marketing Education, Puerto Rico, San Juan. Fall ed. N.p.: MMA, 2015. 224-25. Ser. 2015. Http:// Web. 02 Feb. 2016.

“The Christian Mind on Decision Making”, Supporting dialogue in Chapter 6 in Dr. Michael Cafferky’s Principles of Management – A Faith Based Perspective Textbook, published by Prentice Hall, 2011

“Active Learning: Meeting the Needs of Employers”. Marketing Management Association Conference Journal, Position Paper, 2010


2016 “Critical Thinking” at T4e. With Terese Kasson

2015 “Transitioning from Industry to Academia”, at the IACBE Conference in Puerto Rico. Presented with Deanne Hurtado, Sinclair College; Rick Moran, University of Wisconsin-Superior; John Talbot, Indiana University; Jean Sampson, McKendree University. September

2015 “Marketing to Millennials” At O’Fallon Chamber Meeting to approximately 80 business owners and CEO’s. With Halimin Herjanto and David Cole. November

2015 “Culture Differences” with Joshua Blaurock. Middle and Intermediate School, Collinsville

2014 “Taking the Mystery Out of the Job Hunt”. PBL Fall Conference, October

2013 “Customer Service is Imperative”, Mckendree SETS. February

2012 “Best Teaching Practices” At UMSL. Presented with three other Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award winners. November

2012 “Transferable Skills” Phi Beta Lambda Fall Conference, October

2012 “Transferable Skills” T4e with Michelle Magnussen, August

2012 “Customer Service is Imperative”. Presented to CAB members, April

2012 Students presented Slave Fishing at the IACBE Conference, First Place, April

2011 “More than Meets the Eye” Presented at the Marketing Management Conference, with students Donna Matanane, Kyle Williams, September

2011 “Engaging Students in Critical Thinking by Solving Local Business’ Problems” Presented at the Marketing Management Conference, With Rick Bonsall and John Watters. September

2011 “Scholarship in College”, Presented at Tri-Sig, January

2011 “Transferable Skills” T4e

2010 “Foster Care in the U.S.: Statistics and Reality”,Presented McKendree Brown Bag, December

2010 “Scholarship lasts a lifetime”, Presented at Tri-Sig, October

2010 “Finding a Job in the Downturn Economy”, Presented at the PBL Fall Conference, October

2010 “Active Learning: Meeting the Needs of Employers”,Presented at the Marketing Management Association Fall Conference, Indianapolis, September

2010 “Japanese Culture”, Presented at two grade schools in Maryville, IL with Kazumo Kamiuse, August

2010 “Cooperative Learning Groups-New Terminology for an Age Old Practice”. Presented with three McKendree professors and eight McKendree Students at the Academy of Educational Studies Conference, St. Louis, spring

2010 “Dealing with Stress” Presented a poster presentation for Stress Awareness Month at Illinois Center for Autism, April

2010 Organized a presentation by Dr. Karen Myers from St. Louis University on Working With and Hiring People with Disabilities, spring

2009 “Resumes and cover Letters for a Competitive Advantage” Presented at the PBL Fall Conference, October

2008 “What Does the Wage Gap Cost You?” Organized a presentation by the Illinois Department of Employment Services for all Students titled, April

2008 “Retaining Good Employees in the Nonprofit Sector”, Presented at the QMRP Conference, Memphis, August

2007 “Using Kinky Boots to Teach Organizational Behavior’ with Dr. Peter Will at the Midwest Academy of Management, October 5

2006 “The Importance of Hiring People with Disabilities. Presented statistics of St. Clair County and the importance of hiring persons with disabilities, Belleville Chamber of Commerce, October

2006 “Persons with Disabilities: Ethics in a Diverse World” at the International Teaching Business Ethics (TBE) Conference, Denver, Colorado. June
2006 Presented “Colleges and University: Benefits for the Developmentally Disabled” at the National Qualified Mental Retardation (QMRP) Conference, San Antonio, Texas. August

2005 “Your Rights When Purchasing a Home”. DHS funded presentation to persons with disabilities. Springfield. January

2003/2005 St. Clair County Teachers Institute. Presented with a board of Adult Service Providers on the need for teachers to understand options for students with disabilities when they graduate from high school.

2001 Education To Careers. Presentation to teachers in East St. Louis School District 189 on the importance of combining the skills required by the labor force, the student’s strengths and the IEP’s.

1995 East-West Gateway Coordinating Council (St. Louis). Presentation and statistical back-up of the problems with hiring individuals in Illinois and Missouri who lack adequate transportation.

1994 St. Louis Area Cooperative Education Council. Presented on the benefits of working with retailers to enhance understanding and teaching for many different majors, including art, business, communications, humanities, computer science, math, and many more.

1990/ 1992 Developed volleyball clinics titled ‘Academics and Athletics’. Teachers and coaches had ‘breakout’ sessions to better understand student athletes and different signs to look for when kids may be in trouble.

Committees & Boards

2015 CRPT

2015 Book Review Group

2013-2015 Student Affairs Committee, Chair

2012-2014 CRPT

2012-2013 School of Business Curriculum Committee

2012 HLC – Committee to request change to expand distance education delivery

2012-present NCAA Gender Equity Committee, Chair

2012-present NCAA Title IV, Chair

2012-present NCAA Athletic Oversight Committee, Chair

2012 External Advisory Board for the School of Business, Communications, Chair

2012 Faculty Grievance Hearing Committee

2012 External Advisory Committee for Organizational Communication and Speech, Chair
2011-2012 School of Business Curriculum Committee
2011-2012 Student Affairs Committee, Chair

2011-2012 Library Committee

2010-2011 NCAA Athletic Oversight Committee

2009 to 2011 NCAA Feasibility Committee for Transition

2009 to 2011 Teaching Circles

2009-2010 Undergraduate Council

2009-2012 Poster Session Tri-director

2006-2009 PBL Co-Chair

2007-2009 Metro-East Teleconferencing and Teaching Enhancement Project (MTTEP)

2008-2010 Advisor to the bowling teams

2008 to present Director of the Paris Exchange Program

2008 to present Director of Graduation Ethics Pledge

2007-2009 AAC

2007-2009 U101

2006-2007 Teacher Quality Enhancement (TQE)

2006-2008 Student Affairs Chair: 2008/2007

2005-2008 COTE: Completed the 54 page Program Report for NCOTE Accreditation for the School of Business; report was accepted on initial submission

2006-2007 FYE

2006-2007 Faculty Fellow

Professional Interests

Reviewer for the Midwest Academy of Management Publication

Reviewer for McGraw-Hill, Management Text

Member of the Midwest Academy of Management