Outright Gifts



Cash, Check, Credit Card or Debit Card

Outright gifts may be made by cash check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express, and sent to the Office of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations, McKendree University, 701 College Road, Lebanon, Illinois 62254.

For more information on IRS regulations regarding the deductibility of outright gifts consult your financial advisor or IRS Publication 526.




Your gifts help McKendree educate leaders for the world. Online giving is made easy. Have your MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express card handy to help you.



Stock and other Securities

Giving stocks and bonds to McKendree can help support current and future students. Transferring securities is a simple process. Have your broker contact our Edward Jones Financial Representative, Linda Manley at (618) 667-3272 to initiate the transaction. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office at (618) 537-6826 or 800-BEARCAT and we will be happy to help you.



Real Estate

Most real estate has appreciated faster than the rate of inflation and offers great potential in charitable gift planning. We would be happy to explore with you a gift of a home, vacation property, condominium, undeveloped land or other real estate. For more information, contact our office at (618) 537-6826.



Electronic Funds Transfer

McKendree University offers you the opportunity to make your gift through electronic funds transfer (EFT). With your authorization, your checking/savings account will be automatically debited in the amount you designate at the same time each month. At any time you desire, you may change or cancel your authorization – you retain control throughout the entire process. For more information, contact the Office of Development, Alumni and Parent Relations, at (618) 537-6826. You may also fill out and return the EFT Form.



Matching a Gift

What a great way to give larger amounts to McKendree University! Some companies allow their employees to match their gift through their Matching Gift Program. See if your company participates in such a program.

If you have any questions regarding our matching gift program, please feel free to call Scott Billhartz, Senior Director of Advancement Services & Stewardship, at (618) 537-6869.




Employee Payroll Deduction

Payroll deduction is an easy way for McKendree faculty and staff to make gifts directly and automatically from monthly paychecks. When you authorize a payroll deduction gift, you instruct the University to withhold a contribution for a period of time or until you discontinue the withholding. Make gifts via payroll deduction.