Britani Beasley '15

Photo of Britani Beasley '15
Senior speech communications-public relations major
from St. Elmo, Illinois

Campus Activities Board, Student Director for
Membership and Staff Development

Kappa Sigma Tau social sorority; Vice President,
Sisterhood and Service

Community Service Scholar

Intern, University Communications and Marketing

“Mistletoe Show” red carpet correspondent, St. Louis
radio station Y98 contest winner, 2013

McKendree senior Britani Beasley advises first-year students to get involved but also to find balance and manage their time well. She speaks from experience.

“My first semester, I didn’t really get involved. I took that time to get used to the college experience. In the spring, I started trying everything. I couldn’t find a balance; it took me a while. I cannot preach enough: try to find a balance.


Quotation Graphic

“Find what you relate to, what you want to devote your time to. The best way is to attend new things, try new things. I would go to athletic events and Hett (performing arts center) events, and I met different types of people at each.”


Photo of a CAB EventIn her second semester, Britani joined Campus Activities Board (CAB), the organization that plans activities for homecoming, Fall Family Weekend and Spring Fling, and brings comedians, bands and performers to campus. CAB also organizes trips to Cardinals baseball and Blues hockey games; shopping and sightseeing trips; and sells concert and theatre tickets.

“In CAB, we have a diverse group of people from different areas of campus and different communities. It isn’t just, ‘We have to get this event done.’ It’s a connection on a very personal level. CAB has been my home.”

With involvement comes accountability, she warns. “I keep a planner completely organized. I also keep a piece of paper each week that tells me what assignments are due and what meetings I have. I take advantage of technology; I use my cell phone, Outlook account, Gmail account and my planner.”

Compared to four years ago, the senior says she now tends to “think more” before reacting on impulse. That means fewer late night trips to McDonald’s or having to skip her friends’ games when an assignment is due or a meeting comes up. “A part of me misses that. But now I just want to relax and enjoy my senior year.”

Photo of Britani Beasley '15
More advice from Britani:

x Rather than doing your homework in your
room, study in a lounge or with other
x Be open minded. Don’t stick with what you
know. Get outside of your comfort zone.
x Meet with your professors.
x Learn to say no.
x Don’t let anyone tell you your dreams are
too big or you’re running out of time!

Learn more about McKendree University and the Campus Activities Board.