Kendall Butler '16

Photo of Kendall Butler

  • Senior from O’Fallon, Illinois
  • Marketing major with a minor in Spanish
  • Bearcat women’s golf team
  • Internship with Detroit Pistons
  • Internship with the Hills Golf Club

Kendall Butler '16 never expected to spend her summer 600 miles from home until she landed an internship opportunity of a lifetime with the Detroit Pistons. The senior marketing major and Bearcat golfer packed her bags planning for an exciting experience. Little did she know that the next three months would play a major role in shaping her future career goals as well.

As an accomplished student athlete on both the Dean’s List and President’s List, Kendall knew from her McKendree experience that success first starts with developing the confidence to open yourself up to new learning experiences.

“One of my friends was doing an internship with the MLB in New York, and she gave me a few of her contacts, one of them being the vice president of team ticket sales for the NBA,” said Kendall.


Quotation Graphic “I was nervous, but I reached out to him, and he invited me to a Sales Conference in Cleveland, where over 30 teams from the MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL were in attendance.”


After 10 interviews with 10 different teams, Kendall was selected for a summer internship with the Detroit Pistons. “I didn’t know anyone in the area other than the family friends I stayed with, and I hadn’t even been to Michigan until I drove there to start my internship.”

At her new workplace in the Pistons’ home arena, Kendall was responsible for promoting the purchase of season memberships to prospective fans, but to do that, she knew she had to persuade them on a personal level.

“My job was to get the fans excited about the upcoming season and sell them on becoming part of the Pistons family. On average, I made about 80 calls a day to initiate the sale of season memberships while also conducting face-to-face meetings and giving tours of the arena. My favorite part was interacting with fans and knowing that I played a role in their memorable experience with the Pistons.”

Photo of Kendall Butler '16When Kendall came home for the fall semester, she hit the ground running with another internship at The Hills Golf Club. Working directly with the McKendree marketing staff, Kendall plays a pivotal role in redesigning webpages for the golf course.

After graduation, Kendall plans to continue her work in sales with an emphasis in sports. “I never saw myself as a sales person, but after my internship experiences, I fell in love with it and definitely see myself excelling at it.”

For Kendall, her time at McKendree has taught her to “step out of your comfort zone and be confident in your abilities. You’ll never know what you’ll enjoy until you experience it for yourself.”

Learn more about McKendree University and the Marketing program.


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