Photo of Stephanie Cann

Stephanie Cann, MAED '10, EdS '13

By Michelle Meehan-Schrader

Twenty-five years ago, a career in education wasn’t even on Stephanie Cann’s radar. But life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. And plan as she might, the mother of two from Edwardsville says she couldn’t escape her fate.

“I did graduate work in history but I was bound and determined not to teach,” Cann, now a Roxana High School assistant principal recalled. “I sent resumes to all kinds of places and held all kinds of jobs. I did historical research on properties. Worked as an asbestos inspector. I had a variety of experiences.”

Then in 1993, Cann’s friend had a baby and asked her to take over a GED night class she was teaching. “It wasn’t something I thought I’d enjoy, but I loved it,” Cann remembered. “This guy who was in the class came up to me and asked, “Where do you teach during the day?” When I said I didn’t teach, he said, ‘Well, you should.’”

After much soul searching, Cann enrolled at McKendree University to earn her teaching certificate. She subsequently taught at Roxana High School for more than a decade – earning her master’s in educational administration from McKendree University during that time -- before assuming her current position as the first female assistant principal of Roxana High School.

Now back at McKendree finishing up her EdS - specialist in education and curriculum design and instruction - Cann looks forward to her next chapter in life.

“I’d really like to help teachers reach their potential and be as successful as they can be in the classroom,” she said. “This degree will help make that possible. I believe I am part of the first class at McKendree to graduate with this specific degree.

“A specialist is in between a master’s and a doctorate,” she continued. “It’s more practical than theoretical. I hope to go on and earn my doctorate in education.”

She has come to the right place.

“McKendree is just wonderful,” Cann said. “You get the small town feeling and a great education. Whenever you call to ask a question, someone answers the phone. There’s no run around. You’re a person. Not a number.

“I live in Edwardsville so McKendree isn’t too far from my home. But it would be worth a long drive to get the kind of care and concern and input you get from McKendree.”

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