Photo of Susan Hasl

Susan Hasl '12: Career, Family & Education

By Theresa Schmidt ‘09

In a world that glorifies multitasking, nursing the seeds of lifelong learning and the potential for educational growth amidst a multitude of other responsibilities can be just as important and challenging as nursing others to complete physical health. From her service in the United States Air Force Nurse Corps to her position as a Nursing Recruiter for McKendree’s Kentucky center from 2009-2012, Susan Hasl has done it all, inspiring others and pushing herself to the peak of physical health and educational excellence. She explains, “My experience as a recruiter allowed me to better understand the high degree of daily stress and pressure many nurses face secondary to assuming multiple roles: parent, spouse, son/daughter, caregiver to children and aging parents, chauffer, coach, etc. Returning to school to complete a degree is a commitment not taken lightly by a select group of highly motivated and dedicated registered nurses.”

"Susan knows ... the challenges of balancing career, family and education ..."

The mother of four children and a devoted wife of 23 years, Susan knows firsthand the challenges of balancing career, family and education, having just completed her Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) through McKendree’s Kentucky center in May 2012: “Shortly after I enrolled in the graduate program, the Nursing Recruiter position became available. As a student and employee, I found it much easier to ‘talk the talk’ because I was, indeed, ‘walking the walk!’ Having this perspective increased my understanding of the complexities inherent in juggling multiple roles and returning to school after many years in the workforce.”

"... I was determined to become a nurse."

While the roads Susan travels have been difficult, choosing them has not: “From the time of my childhood, I was determined to become a nurse. It was always my goal, and perhaps, my ‘calling.’ After many years of being a member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, I discovered the inherent joys, as well as frustrations, of teaching. In order to better prepare myself as an educator, I returned to school to obtain my MSN. McKendree University offered an accredited nursing program with a sound curriculum; it was a clear choice.”

Susan quickly discovered that not only was McKendree’s Kentucky center the clear choice, but it was also the right one for her. She recalls, “My favorite course during my graduate studies was NSG 616 – Practicum for Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education. This course allowed me to implement a variety of teaching strategies appropriate to content, setting, learner needs, learning style and desired learner outcomes while using teaching strategies based on educational theory and evidence-based practices related to education. Dr. Sharon Beasley gave us the necessary tools to ease the transition from caregiver to educator.”

The Nursing Recruiter position at McKendree was yet another perfect fit. Susan says, “The recruiter position fit me like a glove! I enjoyed being a representative of McKendree University at on and off-campus recruitment events. Assuming responsibility for implementing a comprehensive plan for the recruitment of undergraduate and graduate nursing students was an extremely challenging and rewarding position! The employees of the Kentucky and Illinois campuses are truly top-notch professionals who demonstrate strong communication skills and high levels of creative energy.”

Susan found the Kentucky center instructors to be equally welcoming and inspirational. “Being enrolled at McKendree University has allowed me a distinct privilege of working among an elite group of nursing educators,” she notes. “My vision is to become an instructor of nursing at the university level and to serve as an effective role model through demonstration of professional excellence. Each of my instructors displayed an exemplary example of a commitment to lifelong learning. I, in turn, hope to model their example in my future role as a nursing educator.”

Become your own role model for nursing - visit to learn more about McKendree’s nursing program.