Tyler Hendrick '14

Photo of Tyler Hendrick '14
Mathematics and computational science double major from Granite City, Illinois

Bearcat golf team

New Student Orientation Leader

University 101 Peer Mentor

Fellowship of Christian Athletes President

2013 Leadership Summit

Dean’s List


Tyler Hendrick '14 gets to experience the best of two collegiate worlds. As the first student to complete the McKendree portion of its 3+2 engineering program, he will graduate from the Lebanon campus in May with a double major in mathematics and computational science.

Pre-engineering students take English, history, higher-level math and science courses at McKendree to earn a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computational science or computer science. They go on to earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The program combines the virtues of a liberal arts education with advanced technical training at a top engineering school.

3+2 was an ideal fit for Tyler. “At McKendree I have developed a great work ethic that I know will benefit me both in the workplace and in life,” says the future electrical engineer. “The professors here have given me the foundation of knowledge in calculus, physics and computer science that will serve me well in my final two years.

“I have been lucky enough to be involved in many extracurricular activities. Some of my favorites have been the Student Government Association and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In these organizations I have made great friends and built my leadership and communication skills. They also taught me how to balance my schoolwork with outside activities, thus improving my prioritization skills.”

Learn more about McKendree University, the 3+2 Engineering program, the Mathematics program, or the Computational Science program.