Awardees Exemplify Lifelong Learning, International Understanding


Lebanon, Ill. — Dr. Peter Will, associate professor of management, received McKendree University’s 2011 Grandy Faculty Award for outstanding service, and Rory Scher is this year’s Technos Award student winner.

Photo of Peter Will“Few other faculty members are as passionate about the value of student, faculty, and staff engagement in the life of the McKendree University community as Dr. Will,” said C. Lawrence Meggs, Alumni Association president. The association presents the annual award to a full-time, tenured faculty member recommended by faculty, administrators and the senior class. It is named for Dr. William Norman Grandy, who served from 1952 to 1968 as professor of philosophy and religion, dean of students, academic dean and interim president.

Will, a Lebanon resident, is a strong proponent of lifelong learning. Over the course of 30 years, he earned two bachelor’s degrees, in chemistry and industrial technology and in business administration; an MBA in general management, a masters in financial economics, and a doctorate in biochemistry.

He was a research scientist and industrial manager at a pharmaceutical company for many years before he joined the faculty in 2002. His extensive professional experience helps him make learning meaningful for his business students by providing examples from the corporate world.

Will is also the faculty athletic representative, providing leadership as McKendree’s athletic programs transition to Division II of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Photo of Rory ScherWell known on campus for his extensive support of students and their activities, he advises the Sigma Beta Delta business honor society, and attends numerous student athletic competitions, concerts, plays and presentations.

Technos International College in Tokyo honored 2011 graduate Scher, a psychology major from Belleville, for leadership, outstanding academic achievement and promoting international understanding. Sponsored by the Tanaka Ikueikai Educational Trust to foster multi-cultural awareness, the Technos Award is given annually to a graduating senior chosen by the McKendree University faculty.

Scher was student vice president of the Phi Kappa Phi honor society chapter and a member of the Psi Chi psychology honor society. She spent the 2010 fall semester at Oxford University in England and has made several mission trips to Mexico in recent years.

