McKendree Model UN Students Win Best Delegation Award at Conference

Lebanon, Ill. — Students in the McKendree University Model United Nations program won three awards, including Best Delegation, representing Palestine at the American Model United Nations (AMUN) conference in Chicago from Nov. 19 to 22. Only four delegations received a Best Delegation award of the 80 participating colleges and universities that represented more than 100 country delegations.

McKendree’s student delegates included Ben Pollard, Brad Thomas, Brent Nicholson, Shawn Printy, Lucas Barker, Lance Allen, Tim Rose, Brandon Hoeflein, Tonya Schartung and Michelle Voegele. Darren Meeker also participated as a member of the International Press Delegation.

Other awards included a Best Delegate Award in the General Assembly Plenary to Pollard and Thomas; and a Best Delegate Award in the Security Council to Pollard for representing Palestine in its attempt to gain UN membership.

Students at Model UN conferences represent countries, debate global issues, and attempt to pass resolutions to solve those problems.

Pollard and Thomas were in the General Assembly Plenary, whose topics were drug trafficking and human trafficking.

Nicholson was in the General Assembly First Committee, discussing cyber-security and disarmament.

As members of the General Assembly Second Committee, Printy and Barker discussed microcredit and renewable energy.

Allen and Rose were in the General Assembly Third Committee, whose topics were the right to food and protecting human rights while countering terrorism.

Hoeflein and Schartung were in the General Assembly Sixth Committee, whose topics were protecting diplomatic missions and international liability issues.

Voegele was in the World Health Assembly, which debated intellectual property in public health and preventing non-communicable diseases.

Next spring. the program will turn 180 degrees politically when McKendree students represent Israel at the Midwest Model United Nations conference in St. Louis. At the 2012 AMUN conference in Chicago next fall they will represent Ukraine.

