A New Art Gallery for Lebanon

Opening Reception for McKendree University Gallery of Art on Nov. 1

Lebanon, Ill. — The new McKendree University Gallery of Art in downtown Lebanon will open its doors with a reception on Thursday, Nov. 1, from 4 to 6 p.m. at 224 St. Louis Ave. The public is welcome.

The first exhibition will feature oil paintings by David Ottinger, pastel drawings and oil paintings by Amy MacLennan, ceramics by Eric Hoefer and Melody Evans, and projected light installations by Christopher Ottinger. All are current or former members of the McKendree art faculty. The artwork will be for sale.

"Future exhibits will showcase the creativity of students, faculty, alumni and artists from other areas, both academic and non-academic", said David Ottinger, university art professor. “We now have the ability to become part of local art community and the greater St. Louis art community, “ he said.

Exhibits will change every month. The December show will feature students’ artwork, with more student shows planned for April and May 2013. Ottinger hopes to organize an alumni exhibition next fall, and hopefully, a high school art show in the future.

Volunteers are needed to staff the gallery, which will be open by appointment until regular hours of operation are determined soon.




Photo of Ottinger Art

“The Patriot,” an oil painting by David Ottinger, will be part of the opening exhibition

on Nov. 1 at the new McKendree University Gallery of Art in downtown Lebanon, Ill.