Learn How to Be Entrepreneurial in a Professional Practice

Attorney Joseph Cordell Found Success in Specialization of his Law Firm

Lebanon, Ill. — Twenty years ago, attorney Joseph E. Cordell saw a need for a domestic relations law firm specializing in men’s legal matters and fathers’ rights. Under his leadership and vision, his firm grew to a team of over 140 attorneys and 60 family law offices in 25 states.

Cordell will tell his entrepreneurial success story at McKendree University’s Hettenhausen Center on Wednesday, Oct. 10 from 6 to 7:15 p.m. His lecture, entitled “How to Operate a Professional Practice: The E-Myth,” will focus on the management and structure of Cordell & Cordell.

The annual Wayne E. Lanter Lecture brings business leaders to campus to share their success stories. “This year it is a seminar on how to be entrepreneurial in a professional practice,” said Dr. Frank Spreng, professor of economics and director of the MBA program. It is free and open to the public.

Cordell is the principal partner of Cordell & Cordell, a domestic relations law firm that he and his wife co-founded in 1990 in St. Louis. Noticing most of his general practice clients were men seeking legal help for custody, maintenance issues, and accusations of domestic violence, Cordell devoted his practice to male clientele.

He created DadsDivorce.com and is the driving force behind MensRights.com. He writes extensively on family law and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time Magazine, FOX News, CNN and the Huffington Post website. He is the author of “Your Civil War: A Father's Guide to Winning Child Custody,” and “The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Men Make When Facing Divorce.”

Cordell is also a Missouri-licensed CPA. Students interested in practicing law and accounting are invited to a classroom discussion on Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. in Piper Academic Center, Room 222.

McKendree University’s Wayne E. Lanter Memorial Lecture Series was established by Mr. Lanter’s family, business associates and friends. The entrepreneurial businessman founded Lanter Company in 1970, as a one-man, one-truck operation and grew his Madison, Ill., local distribution business into a national logistics provider. The university awarded him its Excellence in Enterprise Award in 1996.


Photo of Joseph Cordell

Joseph E. Cordell