Leadership is the Focus of Chapel Service on Sept. 5

McKendree Announces Speakers for 2012-2013 Campus & Community Series

Lebanon, Ill. — Leadership, hospitality, peace, common ground, forgiveness and diversity are the themes of McKendree University’s new Chapel Series, which starts on Sept. 5.

“This new series will bring challenging speakers together with our campus and the community for inspiration and celebration of the spirit,” said the Reverend Dr. Tim Harrison, chaplain.

The public is welcome to attend the series, which will feature six speakers in Bothwell Chapel on campus. Students, faculty and staff members, and local community groups will be featured at each service.

Leadership will be the topic of the opening service on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at noon. Guest speaker Beth Ludlum is the director of student faith and leadership formation for the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for the United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn.

Other guests are scheduled as follows:

Sunday, Oct. 7, 10 a.m.: Rev. Jackie Havis-Shear, a 2000 McKendree graduate and the pastor of Edwardsville Immanuel United Methodist Church, will be the guest minister at the Homecoming and Alumni Reunion Weekend chapel service.

Thursday, Dec. 6, noon: Dr. Ann Garrido, of the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, will be featured at a Service of Lessons and Carols. She is an author, the director of the MAPS-CGS (Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) program and an associate professor of homiletics (the art of preaching).

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, 4 p.m.: Bishop Robert Schnase, bishop in residence of the Missouri Area of the United Methodist Church since 2004, will be the keynote speaker at the Christian Unity and Martin Luther King, Jr. Service.

Tuesday, Mar. 26, 7 p.m.: Chaplain Tim Harrison will lead a Taize Reconciliation Service of quiet reflection, music and scripture readings. Students’ art work will be featured.

Friday, May 3, 11:30 a.m.: Dr. Javier Orozco, director of the St. Louis Archdiocese Office of Hispanic Ministries, will focus on the importance of a diverse community, with a fiesta on the front lawn afterward.    

