Sigma Zeta Chapter Brings Home Founder’s Cup for a Fifth Time

Awarded Most Active Chapter Locally and Nationally

Lebanon, Ill. — McKendree University’s Beta Chapter of the Sigma Zeta National Science and Mathematics Honor Society was awarded the 2013 Founder’s Cup at the organization’s national convention, held March 21 to 23 in Decatur, Ill. The Founder’s Cup is given to the chapter that is the most active at both the local and national level. It is the fifth time that McKendree’s Beta Chapter has received the honor (previously in 1988, 2001, 2006 and 2009).

Attending were Dr. Michele Schutzenhofer, assistant professor of biology and the current president of the Sigma Zeta National Society; Dr. Robb Van Putte, associate professor of biology; and student members Michael Lampe, of Hillsboro, Mo., chapter vice-president; Kody Bolk, of Carlyle, administrative assistant; Daniel LaMaster, of O’Fallon, treasurer; and Becca Castillo of Belleville, Jason Rust of O’Fallon, and Aleesha Moran of Mascoutah. Moran, Lampe and Bolk presented posters at the convention.

Students majoring in mathematics, computer science, or a natural science that maintain a 3.0 grade point average overall and within their discipline can become members of Sigma Zeta after completing 15 credit hours in these disciplines. McKendree’s Beta Chapter is the oldest remaining active chapter of the national organization, which encompasses over 60 chapters stretching from Oregon to Texas to Boston. The Beta Chapter inducted 24 new members last October.

Photo of Sigma Zeta
McKendree University students Michael Lampe, Becca Castillo, Aleesha Moran, Kody Bolk and Daniel LaMaster returned from the Sigma Zeta national convention with the Founder’s Cup trophy. Not pictured: Jason Rust.