McKendree University 'Into the Streets' Volunteer Day is Aug. 23

Community Service is Part of New Student Orientation

Lebanon, Ill. - Approximately 450 incoming McKendree University first-year students will participate in “Into the Streets,” a day of volunteer service to local and regional communities on Saturday, August 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The annual event is part of the university’s New Student Orientation program and coordinated by the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service on campus. “We hope that the students will build relationships though their service and also learn about the help they can provide to the community and opportunities for continued service,” said Jessica Trout, program coordinator.

The day will start at 9 a.m. with a meeting at the Melvin Price Convention Center on campus, where each student will be assigned to one of about 25 sites located in Lebanon, Highland, Belleville, East St. Louis and St. Louis. Activities will include working with the elderly, mentally disabled, homeless, international populations. Students will also provide physical labor for community beautification and restoration. Organizations they will help include Cedar Ridge Residential and Rehabilitation Center, the NICE Foundation, Food Outreach, Bethany Place, Gateway Greening, International Institute of Saint Louis and Revitalization 2000.
