Student Affairs Could Be the Career for You

Oct. 6 Event Kicks Off National Careers in Student Affairs Month

McKendree University’s Student Affairs Department is excited to announce that October is “National Careers in Student Affairs Month.”

Student affairs professionals enjoy making an impact in the lives of students,” said Jennifer Pickerell, director of career services. “We are able to connect with students from all backgrounds and areas of study to assist them in getting engaged in student life on campus.”

In order to help students better understand what student affairs professionals do and how one can enter this field, McKendree is hosting an informational series this month for its students. The kickoff event is on Monday, Oct 6 at 4 p.m. in The Lair, with free food, door prizes, fun and information on how to win an iPad.

“At this event you will find out more about this month’s informational series, along with who we are and why we love our profession,” Pickerell said. “You may have never thought about Student Affairs as a career, but during this month you will discover various paths you can take in this area.”

For more information, please contact Craig Robertson at     

