Save 25 Percent on Summer Tuition at McKendree

Open to Undergraduates from Other Institutions; On Campus and Online

(Lebanon, Ill., April 3, 2014) — McKendree University will again reduce its summer class tuition by 25 percent to Lebanon campus undergraduate students. Eligible for the $622 per credit hour tuition rate are current and newly admitted McKendree undergraduates, as well as those enrolled at other institutions who want to take a summer course or two as non-degree-seeking students. Courses are available online as well as on campus. The offer does not apply to graduate students or those enrolled at the university’s off-site locations.

Students can take advantage of the lower summer tuition rate to jump start or accelerate their academic program at a reduced cost. Taking summer classes also enables students to take a lighter load in the fall or spring semesters so that they can more easily participate in co-curricular activities. McKendree students can eliminate the paperwork required to register at another school and transfer their credits. If they do well, they can also raise their grade point average.

Summer classes start on June 2. Interested current undergraduates may contact their academic advisors and new students should contact their McKendree admission counselor for more information. Non-McKendree students may contact the admission office at 618-537-6831 for more details.

