Andrew Wagner is McKendree University’s Student Laureate

(LEBANON, Ill., November 19, 2018) – Andrew Wagner, a senior from Waterloo, Ill., is McKendree University’s 2018-2019 recipient of the Abraham Lincoln Civic Engagement Award—the state’s highest student honor—as a Student Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois. He and other outstanding scholars from each Illinois college and university were honored for their leadership, service and excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities by the Lincoln Academy on Nov. 17 at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill.

“Andrew exemplifies the characteristics of a Student Laureate,” said Dr. Christine Bahr, provost and dean. “He possesses intellectual talent, has an outstanding work ethic, and is a consistent and thoughtful leader, making him a model student.”

The honors program student is an international relations major, with minors in speech communication and Spanish. In November 2017, he co-presented, with Dr. Brian Frederking, a paper entitled, “Human Rights in the UN Security Council” at the International Studies Association Midwest Conference.

He has demonstrated leadership, drive and a variety of interests and talents in his numerous co-curricular activities. He is the Secretary-General of Model United Nations; former president of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity; and captain of the university Speech Team, winning many awards related to forensics and Model UN. In addition, he is the section leader for the mellophones in the Marching Bearcat Band and for the French horns in the Concert Band and the Wind Ensemble.

“One of the most rewarding aspects of my undergraduate experience has been finding a passion within myself and sparking that same passion in somebody else,” said Wagner. “I've been able to take on a major advocacy role through McKendree’s speech team. By sharing my views or the societal problems that we face today, I've had other students and faculty come up to me and share some of their own experiences or asked me how they can get involved as well.”

A defining characteristic of every Student Laureate is a commitment to civic engagement. Wagner has been a volunteer Spanish teacher for Trinity Lutheran School and a volunteer coach for mock trials held in St. Louis-area schools. At McKendree, he worked with the Office of Student Affairs to amend its sexual assault guidelines to include “stealthing” as a violation of campus student-conduct guidelines.

Wagner is grateful for the many opportunities he has had to make his mark at the university.  “McKendree has provided me with countless friendships and opportunities that have allowed me to grow as a student, friend and all-around person,” he said. “I'm beyond grateful for the amazing recognition that McKendree has given me through the Lincoln Laureate award. I look forward to representing the university I call home and the people I am proud to call family.”


Andrew Wagner of McKendree University is a 2018  Student Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois.

Andrew Wagner of McKendree University is a 2018 Student Laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois.

