Speech & Debate Team Wins Big at Two Recent Tournaments

McKendree Students Bring Home Four Firsts, 23 Total Awards

Lebanon, Ill. — The McKendree University debate and individual events team brought home four first place finishes and 23 total awards from two tournaments last weekend.

Eight colleges and universities participated at Loyola University, including Purdue and the University of Miami. Representing McKendree were juniors Lucas Barker, Trent Boyer, Alex Cunningham, Sarah DeBruyckere, Miriah McCaffrey, Brent Nicholson and Amanda Walker, as well as first-year student Shelby Majewski.

At the first tournament, the team of Barker and DeBruyckere posted a 3-2 record. After defeating Carthage College in quarterfinals, they proceeded to beat Wheaton College in semifinals and finals to win the tournament. The team of Cunningham and Nicholson went 4-1 in prelims and finished as quarterfinalists. Nicholson was the third best speaker in the open division, while Barker and DeBruyckere were fourth and eighth, respectively. Walker was the first place novice speaker.

At the second tournament, Cunningham and Nicholson went 3-2. After defeating Carthage College in quarterfinals, they beat Loyola University in semifinals and Wheaton College in finals to win the tournament. Barker and DeBruyckere posted a 4-1 record and finished as quarterfinalists. The novice team of Majewski and Walker finished 4-1 and were semifinalists, while the novice team of Boyer and McCaffrey went 3-2 and finished as quarterfinalists. Nicholson was the third best speaker in the open division, while Barker, DeBruyckere, and Cunningham took fourth, eighth and ninth, respectively. Walker was the fourth place novice speaker.

Sixteen colleges and universities competed at Southwest Baptist University, including the University of Oklahoma and the University of Central Missouri. Representing McKendree were seniors Lance Allen and Darren Meeker; juniors Josh Fleming and Caitlyn Westfall; and sophomores Rebecca Blake and Spencer Marcum.

Allen took first place in impromptu speaking, after taking second and first in preliminary rounds. He placed second in extemporaneous speaking and third in informative speaking.

Fleming and Marcum took second place in duo, taking second and first prelims. Marcum also placed third in programmed oral interpretation and fourth in individual sweepstakes. Blake and Meeker took fifth in duo interpretation. As a squad, McKendree tied for third in program sweepstakes.

McKendree will compete at Illinois State University’s 74 Swing on Oct. 7.


Photo of the Debate Team

McKendree individual events team members Spencer Marcum, Lance Allen, Josh Fleming, Caitlyn Westfall, Rebecca Blake and Darren Meeker.

