McKendree University Debaters Take Second at National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence

(LEBANON, Ill., March 30, 2021) — After winning the National Parliamentary Debate Association (NPDA) team and program championships in 2020, the McKendree University Speech and Debate Team again made school history in 2021 by advancing to the final round of the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence (NPTE) for the first time ever. In addition to taking second place at the NPTE, McKendree students turned in their best performances of the year at nationals, taking home 13 awards at NPDA, NPTE and the National Speech Championship (NSC). All tournaments were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“This is among our best national performances ever,” said Joe Blasdel, director of speech and debate. “While Mitch Deleel and Kyle Garrett advancing to NPTE finals was the highlight, this was an extraordinary whole team effort—both students and coaches.” 

The NPTE was held on March 12-14. Deleel and Garrett advanced to elimination rounds with an even record. After losing the first round to a team from Rice University, they went on a tear, winning five consecutive elimination debates. They defeated teams from the University of the Pacific, the University of Texas at Tyler, the University of Minnesota, the University of California at Berkeley (fifth-ranked team in the nation), and Rice University (fourth-ranked team in the nation). They lost in the finals to a team from the University of California at Berkeley. 

Rebecca Postula and Kyle Smith advanced to elimination rounds with a 6-4 record. After losing to a team from San Diego State University, they defeated teams from the University of Texas at Tyler and Rice University (first-ranked team in the nation) to finish in eighth place. 

The NPDA tournament was held on March 6-8. Deleel and Garrett posted a 6-2 record in prelims. After defeating the University of California at Berkeley in octofinals, they finished as quarterfinalists after losing to Rice University. Postula and Smith also went 6-2 and finished as octofinalists, losing to the eventual champions from the University of California at Berkeley. Naya Busbea, Noah Marlar and Jayden Touchette just missed advancing to elimination rounds. Garrett, Deleel and Smith earned speaker awards, taking 14th, 15th and 17th place. Deleel and Postula were also recognized as NPDA All-Americans. As a squad, McKendree took third place at the tournament, while also receiving fifth place in season sweepstakes. 

The NSC was held on March 20-21. Jayden Touchette competed in four events: drama, prose, persuasion, and impromptu. She advanced to quarterfinals in drama, finishing in 13th place. 

The McKendree University Speech and Debate Team will finish its season with the National Forensic Association championship tournament on April 16-19. 




Debate Team 2020-2021

In front, Mitch Deleel, Kyle Garrett; back row, Jayden Touchette, Naya Busbea, Rebecca Postula and Kyle Smith of the McKendree University Speech and Debate Team.