Author Will Encourage You to Move Beyond Awareness to Action

Kelsey Timmerman Kicks Off Week of Civic Engagement at McKendree

(LEBANON, Ill., September 7, 2018) — Kelsey Timmerman, New York Times bestselling author of Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, People That Make Our Clothes andWhere Am I Eating? An Adventure through the Global Food Economy,” will speak at McKendree University’s Hettenhausen Center for the Arts on Monday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m.

The co-founder of the Facing Project, Timmerman seeks to connect people through stories to strengthen community. His discussion, entitled “You Might Just Change the World,” will focus on his latest book, “Where Am I Giving? A Global Adventure Exploring How to Use Your Gifts and Talents to Make a Difference.” He challenges his audience to move beyond awareness to action, to live a purpose-filled, generous life and to take advantage of available opportunities to make a difference.

The free lecture is open to the public as part of McKendree University’s Week of Civic Engagement. It is sponsored by the ALL-IN Campus Democracy Committee, Center for Faith & Spirituality, Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service, Honors Program, Holman Library, Division of Humanities and Division of Social Science.

Read more about Timmerman online at Other events scheduled during the Week of Civic Engagement include:


  • Monday, Sept. 17: Constitution Day, 11 a.m. in Holman Library.

  • Wednesday, Sept. 19: Brown Bag discussion: “McKendree is ALL IN: Your Vote, Your Voice,” noon in Piper Academic Center, Room 222.

  • Wednesday Sept. 19: Social Justice and Equity Committee discussion, “So You Think Jim Crow is a Thing of the Past?” at 3:30 p.m. in Holman Library.

  • Thursday, Sept. 20: “One Vote” documentary, followed by Q & A with the associate producer, 7 p.m. at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts. McKendree was chosen from a select number of colleges and universities nationwide to screen the free documentary through its involvement with the national ALL-IN Challenge. The documentary bears hopeful witness to the humanity and rich diversity of American voters, and to the unsung stories that comprise our exercise of democracy.

