McKendree Participates in National Voter Registration Day, Sept. 22

(LEBANON, Ill., September 22, 2020) — On Sept. 22, Americans celebrate National Voter Registration Day with a massive cross-country effort to register voters well in advance of Election Day on Nov. 3. As a proud partner in National Voter Registration Day, McKendree University’s ALL IN Committee is hosting a voter registration drive on campus at Holman Library on Tuesday, Sept. 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“Students can register using their McKendree address, or back home with their home address. We can help them get registered either way,” said Dr. Ann Collins, professor of political science, who leads the ALL IN Democracy Challenge Committee on campus. “We’ll also have information about each state’s election laws, such as deadlines for registering and applying for mail-in ballots."

With a historic presidential election approaching, every eligible American voter should exercise his or her right to be heard at the ballot box, and the non-partisan National Voter Registration Day is a place to start. Communities across the country are using the activity to increase voter participation. Thousands of national, state, and local organizations and volunteers are the driving force behind the 2020 event. Partner organizations will coordinate hundreds of events on and offline nationwide, and leverage #NationalVoterRegistrationDay on social media platforms to drive attention to voter registration.

Collins said the university plans to have more voter registration opportunities, as well as voter education opportunities—non-partisan resources on how to become educated on the candidates and issues—over the next few weeks, before the election.

The website provides a listing of National Voter Registration Day events across the country, in communities and held virtually. Founded in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right – the right to vote. Nearly three million Americans have registered to vote on the holiday since the inaugural National Voter Registration Day in 2012.

