McKendree University Welcomes New Faculty and Staff Members

(LEBANON, Ill., August 24, 2017) - McKendree University announces several new faculty and staff members who have joined the campus community over the summer. Joining the faculty are the following:

Jessica Campbell, assistant professor of English, was a lecturer at the University of Nevada-Reno and an instructor at the University of Washington, where she completed her dissertation, “Tradition and Transformation: Fairy Tales in the Victorian Novel.”

Mark DiDonato, professor of sport management, was a visiting scholar at Florida State University, where he completed his dissertation on collaborative governance and the development of disc golf in the U.S. From 2009 to 2011, he served as a security manager at the Super Bowl.

Ahed Elmsallati, assistant professor of computing, did his Ph.D research on network matching at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs.  

John McDonald, assistant professor of music education, earned a doctorate in choral conducting from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, where he also served as choral conductor for the University Singers, Canticum Novum, and Bach’s Lunch Cantata series.

Lauren Thompson, assistant professor of history, is a civil war scholar who has published seven book chapters or articles, reviews, and encyclopedia articles. She was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown and at Marietta College.

Paul Worrell, reference and instruction librarian, served as a graduate assistant in education and outreach at the Auraria Library, an academic library in downtown Denver that provides resources to the University of Colorado-Denver.

Recently hired or promoted staff members are:

Steve Clanton
, head cheerleading coach and spirit coordinator

Tamara Comley, graduate admission counselor

Elizabeth Crabtree, assistant director of patron services at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts

Michael Jason Finks, retention specialist for the nursing external and online programs

Anita Gentry, admission counselor

Stephanie Gonzalez, area coordinator for residence life

Charles Gregory II, university counselor

Daryl Hancock, executive director for online programs, Kentucky campuses, and the Center at Scott Air Force Base

Maria Knedel, student services specialist at the Center at Scott Air Force Base

Jordyn Lehr, admission counselor

Sonia Matteson, associate admission director

Melissa McHenry, assistant director of health and counseling services

Linda Mitchell, student success mentor in the Student Success and Advising Center

Caitlin Mueller, admission counselor

Tina Tetzloff, scientific materials manager

Robert Wise, student services specialist at the Center at Scott Air Force Base

Several new coaches joined the Department of Athletics this summer; visit for more information.

McKendree University was named “A Great College to Work For” this summer by The Chronicle of Higher Education for 2017.

