McKendree Phi Eta Sigma Chapter Earns National Honor for a Second Year

(LEBANON, Ill., September 8, 2017) - McKendree University’s Phi Eta Sigma chapter has earned national recognition for a second consecutive year. The honor society for first-year college students grants Pyramid status to chapters demonstrating strength, stability and tradition, as symbolized on its crest.

Chapters earn Pyramid status each year by meeting specified requirements for consistency in new member inductions, appropriate communication with the national office, proper reporting of activities, and participation in the national scholarship program. Chartered in 2014, McKendree University’s chapter was one of 18 nationwide to be recognized for its work during the 2016-2017 academic year.  

Founded in 1923 at the University of Illinois, Phi Eta Sigma is the nation’s oldest and largest honor society for first-year students in all disciplines. Its mission is to encourage and reward academic excellence among freshmen in institutions of higher learning. Dr. Ann Collins and Jennifer Miller advise the McKendree University chapter. Its 2017-2018 student officers are Sydney Rey, president; Robert Esson, vice president; Magdalena Knapp, secretary; Madeline Shea, public relations officer; Matthew Bachman, historian; Ciara Jones, service chair; and Ciara Janas, senior advisor.

