McKendree University Speech and Debate Team Kicks off Fall Competition

The McKendree University Speech and Debate Team opened its season at Southwest Baptist University’s Derryberry Memorial Tournament from October 7-8. Jayden Touchette was the tournament champion in Drama, Programmed Oral Interpretation, and Duo with Khaleo Price, who also was the tournament champion in After Dinner Speaking. Madeline Trinity finished second in Prose while also taking sixth in Drama. Both Aaron Brown and Amazing Grasle took home wins in their respective debate events.

On October 22, McKendree competed in the Missouri Mule hosted by the University of Central Missouri. Representing McKendree were senior Madeline Trinity, junior Jayden Touchette, sophomore Aaron Brown and first-year Gracie Vincent. In a field of 42 competitors, Touchette finished third in Impromptu Speaking.

McKendree will next compete at the University of the Pacific from November 4-6.


SBU Competition

Southwest Baptist University’s Derryberry Memorial Tournament: From left to right: Aaron Brown, Khaleo Price, Jayden Touchette, Amazing Grasle, and Madeline Trinity have fun and pose with their awards at Southwest Baptist University.


UCM Competition

Missouri Mule hosted by the University of Central Missouri: From left to right: Aaron Brown, Jayden Touchette, Madeline Trinity, and Gracie Vincent take a moment for a photo at the University of Central Missouri.

