McKendree University Speech and Debate Team Wins First Place at San Diego State, Qualifies in Multiple Events for Nationals

(LEBANON, Ill., February 16, 2022) – The McKendree University speech and debate team has been busy, competing in four virtual tournaments to kick off the spring semester. Highlighted by winning program sweepstakes at San Diego State University, McKendree students have taken home 27 awards so far this spring, with nationals competition beginning in under three weeks.

“We have had a successful spring so far, but I’m very excited to begin nationals competition,” said Joe Blasdel, director of speech and debate. “We have a committed group of students and coaches who are looking forward to a fun and competitive nationals experience.”

McKendree has qualified three teams for the prestigious National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence: Kyle Smith and Jayden Touchette, Kyle Garrett and Kyle Smith, and Jamari Jackson and Noah Marlar. Additionally, McKendree has five students qualified in a total of thirteen speech events for the National Forensic Association’s Championship Tournament: Jayden Touchette, extemporaneous, impromptu, duo, prose, drama and programmed oral interpretation (POI); Taylor Roth, extemporaneous, impromptu, drama and POI; Rayn Nauert, poetry and duo; Madeline Trinity, prose; and Emma McIlhargie, impromptu.

At the University of Texas at Tyler from Jan. 6-9, Kyle Garrett and Kyle Smith advanced at both halves of the tournament, reaching semifinals at the first half and quarterfinals at the second half. Garrett was recognized as the sixth speaker at each half, while Jayden Touchette finished as a quarter-finalist at the second half.

Webster University’s Gorlok Gala was held from Jan. 28-30. Jayden Touchette won first in POI, fourth in impromptu, excellent in extemporaneous and second speaker in junior public debate. Taylor Roth finished sixth in POI and was a semifinalist in impromptu. Emma McIlhargie took excellent in impromptu.

At San Diego State University from Feb. 5-6, Jayden Touchette won first in both extemporaneous and drama, second in prose, and fifth in impromptu. Taylor Roth placed second in POI, third in drama and sixth in extemporaneous. Emma McIlhargie won first in novice impromptu. McKendree finished in first place in speech program sweepstakes.

McKendree hosted the National Warmup from Feb. 12-13. Kyle Garrett and Kyle Smith went 4-1 and finished as semifinalists as well as the fourth and 10th speakers. Jamari Jackson and Jayden Touchette were the seventh and ninth speakers, while Aaron Brown and Emma McIlhargie were recognized as the top junior team at the tournament.

McKendree will be hosting a high school debate tournament on Feb. 26 and competing in a virtual speech tournament on Feb. 27. Nationals competition begins on March 4 with the National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence.




Warmup 2022: (front, l-r): Kyle Smith, Kyle Garrett, Jamari Jackson. (back, l-r): Aaron Brown, Emma McIlhargie, Jayden Touchette.

Warmup 2022: (front, l-r): Kyle Smith, Kyle Garrett, Jamari Jackson. (back, l-r): Aaron Brown, Emma McIlhargie, Jayden Touchette.


SDSU 2022: (l-r) Jayden Touchette, Taylor Roth, Rayn Nauert, Emma McIlhargie.

SDSU 2022: (l-r) Jayden Touchette, Taylor Roth, Rayn Nauert, Emma McIlhargie.


UT Tyler 2022: (l-r) Naya Busbea, Jayden Touchette, Kyle Smith, Kyle Garrett.

UT Tyler 2022: (l-r) Naya Busbea, Jayden Touchette, Kyle Smith, Kyle Garrett.