
 Zoom Support Site

Zoom provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration

A one stop-shop for all things Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic including live daily demos, upcoming webinars, video tutorials, on-demand training, and more: Zoom Support Site


What Zoom license is available at McK?


McKendree has access to unlimited Basic user accounts. The Basic Zoom account offers unlimited minutes with meetings of 2 users (you, and 1 other). Meetings are restricted to 40-minutes with 3 or more users. The meeting will end at the end of 40 minutes.

Zoom Pro accounts include unlimited meetings with unlimited minutes for up to 300 participants. Please contact your Division Chair to request a Pro account. If approved, your chair will need to email the HelpDesk so we can order a license for you. Please note that IT will charge your division $90 for the license.

Please note – Zoom is experiencing an extraordinary increase in demand, causing disruption in many of their services. To do our part in keeping Zoom operational, we are suggesting limiting meetings to 30 minutes or less, recommending students turn video


Zoom Best Practices


Prepare for the meeting

Set up your equipment

Download the Zoom desktop app and encourage guests to do the same

Decide whether you will use one monitor or two

Get a headset and microphone if you have them, to reduce background noise

Test your audio and video

Review how to share your screen 

Close unnecessary tabs in your browser

Look your best

Lighting should come from in front of you or from the side, in order to best light your face

Keep your background clear of distractions

Look at your webcam, not at the screen

Use gestures and mannerisms that you would typically use in person

Participate productively

Make sure everyone can hear you

Use a microphone when you speak.

Make sure the microphone is on and close enough to pick up your voice, no matter what location you are in.

Help everyone focus

Don't have side conversations.

If you aren't talking, mute or turn off your microphone.

Avoid noisy activities like typing while your microphone is on.

If you are the host

Review your host controls and meeting settings ahead of time

Share housekeeping details with attendees

Remind them to mute their mics when others are presenting or speaking

Let them know how they can get your attention during the meeting

Will you be checking the chat window?

Should they unmute themselves to speak up?

Start the recording (or set up automatic recordings)

Troubleshoot audio problems if they arise


Zoom Security Guide


McKendree offers the following tips for Zoom hosts to help secure their meetings:

Below are simple actions you can take to protect your meetings.

 Require a password that participants must enter before being allowed into a meeting.

Enable a Waiting Room so you have control over who can enter your meeting.

Use a Co-Host or an Alternate Host to help monitor activity during your meeting.

Encourage the use of virtual backgrounds so participants’ personal environments are not shown
Disable file sharing through Zoom, and use services like Box for Vanderbilt and Brightspace course pages to deliver materials


General Security practices:

Don't post Zoom links on a public website or in social media

Don't use your personal meeting ID for meetings

Schedule your meetings at https://mckendree.zoom.us to get the full set of security options for your meeting