Time for a Digital Detox!
by: Jasmine Gage '25
As college students, we tend to spend the majority of our time in front of a screen. Whether it's taking notes in class, scrolling on Tiktok, doing assignments for classes, or even for entertainment, our faces stay glued to our electronics. Since we live in an era where almost everything is completely digital, it can be hard to get away from the screens for a while. Because of the amount of time we spend in front of a screen, we tend to feel overwhelmed, burned out, exhausted, or unfocused. And since finals week is just around the corner, it may be time for you to take a digital detox.
What is a Digital Detox?
A digital detox is for a set period of time, the person will stay away from their screens and electronics in that timeframe. This includes phones, tablets, computers, and TVs. The purpose of the detox is to reduce screen time and have a moment of peace to yourself without the nagging emails and constant notifications. If you feel as if your mental health, productivity, or energy is being affected by how much time you put into your devices, it may be time for a quick break.
How to do a Digital Detox in 4 Steps
1: Make a plan - First, you want to be able to pick out a day that works best for you and your schedule in order to put extra time aside. You want to be able to map out what is a negative impact and make changes accordingly. If you feel as if you're spending too much time checking your phone, try setting up certain times for you to check your phone instead of checking everything constantly. If you feel as if social media is adding to the stress, try taking a break from it for a few hours or a day in order to see how you feel afterward. The goal in the first step is to make sure you can pinpoint what the stressor is and how you can fix it!
2: Set specific goals - Once you’ve pinpointed what the screentime issue is, now you can go ahead and make tiny goals for it. For example, you may choose to have a phone-free dinner with friends and try to focus more on the people around you rather than the ones on your phone. You could also opt out of using social media apps like Tiktok or Snapchat for a few hours or set a daily time usage limit. You could also turn off your notifications, or monitor your usage through your phone’s settings. Make sure that you keep the goals specific, give yourself time to break old habits, and be patient with yourself.
3: Tell your friends and family - Before you start your detox, it would be good to let people close to you know what you’re doing so no one will think you're ignoring them. Plus, it’s always good to have a support system by you and you never know if they may want to join!
4: Look back on your progress - Once you finish your detox, go ahead and reflect on how you feel. Do you feel better or worse after the detox? Are you still stressed out? Do you feel like anything has changed? Do you feel more focused and relaxed? Do you feel as if you have more time on your hands? Once you re-evaluate yourself and how you feel, go ahead and keep up the changes. Feel free to switch it up or make it interesting for your own needs.
Happy detoxing!