Photo of The Thinker Statue

AEC Presentations

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Academic Excellence Celebration


Honor Society Inductions



These presenters are proud to share their scholarly and creative work. Working individually or collaboratively, they demonstrate their ability to apply, analyze, and synthesize knowledge gained from classes, majors, or graduate programs. This year the event features both live and pre-recorded presentations.






McKendree Radio - Live: 

Podcasters from McKendree Radio will set up in the PAC lobby and broadcast live during the entire Academic Excellence Celebration. The team will interview participants, event planners and advisors, and highlight the exciting scholarship featured throughout the day.

Presenters: Keely Davis, Markiese Jones, D’Aaron McCraney, Elana Melzer, Marvin PhippsKevin Stein, Khalyn Smith, Nicholas "Junior" Tinoco

Sponsor: Dr. Rich Murphy

Location: PAC Lobby






10:00 AM - 10:20 AM


Microplastic Removal: Efficiency of a 304-stainless steel mesh and the effect of flow rate on removal efficiency

McKendree Honors Program

In this honors presentation, the presenter will discuss the concerns of microplastic in the environment and why their removal is so important for human health. A proposed method of microplastic removal using a 304-stainless steel mesh will be analyzed for removal efficiency with particular interest in the mesh’s ability alone as well as the flow rate impact. 

Presenters: Destiny Johnson

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 222


Navigating Technology and Relationships

The growth of technology, especially communication technology, over the past two decades has changed the way we look at our relationships.  Whether it is nurturing love in a long-distance romance, parenting a teenager, or finding a date, communication technology has infiltrated our relationships. In this panel, our scholars will discuss their research, which explores how dating apps, social media, and reality T.V. have transformed contemporary relationships.

Presenters: Grace Gross, Madison Rohn,  Maclayne Taylor, Mary Wagner 

Sponsor: Dr. Rich Murphy

Location: PAC 220


AI in Cybersecurity

The presenter will showcase the use of AI in cybersecurity through a demonstration/presentation of AI attacking a LAMP server.

Presenters: Charlie Vorhees

Sponsor: Dr. Kian Pokorny

Location: PAC 218


Forgotten Fallout: Stories from Coldwater Creek  

The presenter will discuss the radioactive pollution of Coldwater Creek, dating back to the Manhattan Project and the Cold War, that for decades has caused unprecedented health impacts such as rare and life-threatening cancers. Oral history interviews were conducted to document the stories of those impacted by the radiation. Background, methods, analysis, and impact will be included in the presentation. 

Presenters: Isabella Barbaglia 

Sponsor: Dr. Shelly Lemons 

Location: PAC 217


Monster Hiding in Plain Sight 

The consumption of energy drinks in today's society has drastically increased in popularity. Naturally, so have the concerns regarding the contents of those drinks. Over recent years, the biochemical pathways affected by the energy drinks' contents have been researched profusely. This presentation will focus on vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12 and taurine. The goal of the research is to both bring awareness to any potential current harms as well as to offer alternative methods to increase energy in the human body.  

Presenters: Harley DeMuth

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 216


2024 Love You 5(K)Ever

How to plan, coordinate, and run a 5K charity event.

Presenters: Blake Agne, Caden Chamma, Kristyn Mitchell, Matteo Schubert, Joseph Semerad, Bennett Smallie

Sponsor: Dr. Rob Itri

Location: PAC 215


Educational Elitism and Socioeconomic Inequality

McKendree Honors Program

In this honors presentation, the presenter will examine elitism in higher education and its correlation to socioeconomic inequality.

Presenters: Naya Busbea 

Sponsor: Dr. Robyn Swink

Location: PAC 214




10:30 AM - 10:50 AM


The Soundtrack of My Classroom

McKendree Honors Program

This honors presentation explores how music can be beneficial for students in Social Studies classes through the positive cognitive effects, the ways it can enhance a History classroom, and the relationship it can build between students and their history. 

Presenters: Alexandria Terveer

Sponsor: Dr. Shelly Lemons

Location: PAC 222


Communicating Team: How College Athletes Talk About Mental Health, Team Chemistry, and Culture Shock 

For a team to be successful, coaches and players need more than just talent.  In this panel, our scholars will present their research that explores how student-athletes navigate the mental elements of college sports.  They will discuss how athletes at McKendree talk about building team chemistry, coping with culture shock, and managing their mental health.  

Presenters: Ryan Ripplinger, Jake Hinrichs, Kevin Stein

Sponsor: Dr. Rich Murphy

Location: PAC 220


Shedding Light, Giving Voice: Exploring Gendered Communication 

In our contemporary world, gender-related issues persist despite strides towards equality. Our scholars aim to shed light on the multifaceted experiences of individuals living within diverse communities, offering a platform for their stories, struggles, and triumphs. The presentation will amplify voices that are often silenced or overlooked, inviting us to engage with the complexities of gender dynamics in today's society.

Presenters: Grace Gross, Kira Johnson, Khalyn Smith, Maclayne Taylor

Sponsor: Dr. Sara (Trask) Frank

Location: PAC 218


Robot Drugs: The Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Design

The presenter will discuss enzyme engineering, discovery, and design, and how those contribute to advancements in medicinal chemistry. AI emergence, recent uses, and future implications will be covered as well. 

Presenters: Sydney Bires

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 217


The Future of Retailing 

Charged with envisioning what the future of retailing may look like each presentation will give its own unique perspective on the trajectory of retailing and its impact on consumer's daily lives.

Presenters: Presley Heitzmann, Hayley Schnefke 

Sponsor: Dr. Allie Helfrich

Location: PAC 216


Catalyst Literary Magazine Reading

The editors and contributing writers of Catalyst will read and show work published in the 2024 issue of the magazine. 

Presenters: Elizabeth Bocock, Scarlett Catanzaro, Keely Davis, Jasmine Gage, Jake Kingsley, Madison Rohn, Hailey Rose, Taylor Turner, Kaitlyn Williams

Sponsor: Dr. Jenny Mueller

Location: PAC 215


Should Student-Athletes Be Paid?

Join first-year members of the McKendree University Speech and Debate Team Meera Mohammad and Jada Tolbert as they debate the resolution: Collegiate student-athletes should be classified as employees of their educational institution.

Presenters: Meera Mohammad, Jada Tolbert

Sponsor: Joe Blasdel, Brent Nicholson

Location: PAC 214




11:00 AM - 11:20 AM


Portrayals of Arab Countries and People in U.S. News

McKendree Honors Program

This is an honors presentation about the stereotypes and misrepresentations regarding Arab countries and people in the U.S. News. The presenter will cover different stereotypes in regards to gender, criminality, and after 9/11. The findings of stereotypes from the research method of content analysis will be discussed.

Presenters: Sonia Halabi

Sponsor: Dr. Robyn Swink

Location: PAC 222


Crisis Simulation (Part 1): Student Protest on Campus 

Crisis Communication scholars will participate in a press conference addressing a simulated crisis on campus.  The scholars are presented with the crisis simulation one week prior to the Academic Excellence Celebration and are tasked with developing a crisis plan and delivering a press conference at the conference.  This year’s crisis: Students at McKendree have walked out of class and have been engaged in a week-long sit-in outside of Carnegie Hall in protest of the dismissal of a McKendree Review Journalist who wrote an unfavorable article about McKendree University. 

Presenters: Keely Davis, Kara Guetersloh, Kira Johnson, Jackson Lustig, Elma Albertina Oijens Sjoelin, Cory Peterson, Joshua Ramos, Carter Rojek, Kevin Stein, Mary Wagner

Sponsor: Dr. Rich Murphy

Location: PAC 220


Creating an Advertising Campaign for a Local Company

The presenters have worked with a local company to create an advertising campaign for the company.  The presentation will contain an overview of the work completed by this group throughout the semester.

Presenters: Jenyia Brooks, Amanda Moskwa, Alexis Reeser, Jasmine Segovia, Dominic Watson

Sponsor: Dr. Brittany Dobill

Location: PAC 217


Dangerous Dyes: Determining whether certain food dyes are safe for consumption.

The presenter will discuss their findings on whether certain food dyes, including yellow 5, blue 2, red 3, and red 40, are safe for consumption. Based on these results, the presenter will consider alternatives to artificial dyes as well as the toxicological concern that exists regarding these dyes.

Presenters: Destiny Johnson

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 216


Kissing Doorknobs and the Small Town Myth 

Join sophomore Gracie Vincent and junior Alexandra Walthes as they perform their interpretation events as members of the McKendree University Speech and Debate Team.

Presenters: Gracie Vincent, Alexandra Walthes

Sponsor: Lance Allen, Joe Blasdel

Location: PAC 214




11:30 AM - 11:50 AM


Case Analysis of Religion in the Workplace/Schools Regarding the First Amendment
McKendree Honors Program

In this honors thesis, the presenter will discuss laws about religion in the workplace and specifically analyze cases about worker's rights.  

Presenters: Christopher Calhoun 

Sponsor: Dr. Brian Frederking 

Location: PAC 222


Crisis Simulation (Part 2): Faculty Protest on Campus 

Crisis Communication scholars will participate in a press conference addressing a simulated crisis on campus.  The scholars are presented with the crisis simulation one week prior to the Academic Excellence Celebration and are tasked with developing a crisis plan and delivering a press conference at the conference.  This year’s crisis: Faculty at McKendree have joined their students and have been engaged in a week-long sit-in outside of Carnegie Hall in protest of the dismissal of a McKendree Review Journalist who wrote an unfavorable article about McKendree University. 

Presenters: Ihzel Brown, Heidi Gentry, Jake Hinrichs, Bryce Kollack, Elana Melzer, Hanna Pariso, Madison Rohn, Gwendolyn Southerd, Nicholas “Junior” Tinoco

Sponsor: Dr. Rich Murphy

Location: PAC 220


Biodegradable Implants: Advances in Joint Replacement Materials 

Previously, titanium has been the leading material for orthopedic implants. However, these implants are prone to infection, wear, and fracture. This has led to the need for biodegradable implants. This presentation will explore the chemistry behind these innovative implants. 

Presenters: Thomas M. Mohan III

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 218


Synthesis of an o-Benzylene-2,1-Benzimidazole Dye

Methylene blue is a dye used in sentinel lymph node identification in breast cancer patients to determine if the cancer has metastasized. However, a contrasting dye is necessary to distinguish lymph channels in the breast from lymph channels in the arm to minimize complications from lymphedema. Our goal is to synthesize a base compound that can then be manipulated resulting in a contrasting dye. Presented here is a report on the progress in our synthesis of o-benzylene-2,1-benzaimidazole and the process to purify the product. 

Presenters: Harley DeMuth

Sponsor: Dr. Vince Dunlap

Location: PAC 216


Research in Accounting Theory Presentations

In this session, accounting students will present their accounting theory capstone projects. Presenters include:

Gavin Davidson - The Use of Data Analytics in Forensic Accounting

Michael Ford - LIFO vs FIFO Inventory Costing

Molly Grant - Accounting for Sustainability

Estelle Meeker - Revised Credit Loss Standards

Matthew Stratman - Variable Costing vs. Full-Absorption Costing

Regan Van Wie - The History of Goodwill Accounting 

Presenters: Gavin Davidson, Michael Ford, Molly Grant, Estelle Meeker, Matthew Stratman, Regan Van Wie

Sponsor: Terese Kasson

Location: PAC 215


A Review of How Nutrition May Aid in Preventing Common Diseases

McKendree Honors Program

The presenter will highlight how nutrition may aid in preventing common diseases. The presentation is a review of literature about disease prevention and nutrition. Furthermore, the presenter will also address how access to proper nutrition may be difficult for individuals because of demographic variables like income level.

Presenters: Marissa Barauskas 

Sponsor: Dr. Lauren Thompson, Dr. Robyn Swink 

Location: PAC 214




Feel free to share, comment, and participate on our AEC Facebook page using #McKAEC24  and tag our Instagram page @mckaec. Photos of the events can be found at