Homecoming Parade Information

Photo of Homecoming Parade Photo of Homecoming Court Candidates Photo of Bogey at Homecoming Photo of Marchers in Parade



Our Parade Theme for 2021:  "Bearcats Reunited!"  The Homecoming Parade is fast becoming one of our best traditions.  We have had a large number of student, departmental, and local entries in previous Homecoming Parades, and we are looking to continue the fun event this year!  McKendree Registered Student Organizations and other groups enter floats, cars, bands, horses and other walking groups to show off their McKendree Spirit!

The parade line-up begins at 10am.  We will begin the parade at 11am.  Please note that we will be using our normal route for 2021!  Directions of the parade route are below.

PARADE ROUTE 2021:  The route will start on the corner of Alton St. and Summerfield St.  Some entries will feed into the parade line-up north on Alton Street., from the north MPCC Lot and if necessary, Clover Street.  We will proceed down Alton St., then left onto Center Street, left onto Monroe Street, left onto Summerfield Street, and dismiss on Alton Street and Stanton Street.

      - Parade Line Up and Map:  Download




Parade Info and Rules:  Download

McKendree Golf Cart Info:  Download

Parade Registration:  Online Form

Parade Registration:  Download


Parade entry forms are due to the Campus Activities Board Office, located in The Lair by Monday, October 18, 2021.   

Acrobat is required to view and print downloads.

Printed forms can be faxed to 618-537-6513 or scanned and and emailed to croberts@mckendree.edu .                     




The final lineup for Saturday’s Homecoming Parade will be listed above on Thursday, October 21, 2021  Parade participants will lineup numerically at 10:00am, starting at the intersection of Alton Street and Summerfield Street. 

Rain Plan:

  • A decision on the parade will be made at 9:15am on Saturday morning.
  • The main contact on the Parade Entry form will be who we will contact regarding rain.
  • Information will also be posted on the student homecoming web page:  www.mckendree.edu/studenthc and on the CAB Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/McKCAB
  • A voice message regarding the parade status will also be posted on the phone in the  Campus Activities student office at 537-6315.