Fall Involvement Fair




The McKendree Involvement Fair is a festive event that provides student groups the opportunity to connect with students and highlight their organization to the McKendree community. A student group is most effective when the membership is large enough to support the group’s goals and represents McKendree’s diverse campus. Our goal is to help your group be the best it can be!

Date, Time, Place:

The Involvement Fair will be held at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts on Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Set up time is 10:00am.  McKendree Registered Student Organization and Departmental registration must be completed by Thursday, August 29, 2024. Space is limited and late entries will not be accepted!

Local Businesses and Non-profit Organizations and Agencies

Please use the links on the upper left for Businesses and other non-McKendree groups.


McKendree RSOs and Departments/Offices

There is no cost for McKendree Departments and Registered Student Organizations to participate in the Involvement Fair. Please make sure that you plan to be in attendance for both days in the event of rain. The Office of Campus Activities will provide your group with:

· a table and two chairs

· a 8.5 x 11 sign marking your table

· You will be able to set up your table at 10am on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Items must be taken down immediately at the conclusion of the event (2pm)


The Involvement Fair helps your group get new members! When you increase your membership, you increase your visibility and your energy on campus. New members could mean new ideas and fresh perspectives, as well as more energy to reach your current goals. Participation in the Involvement Fair also gives McKendree Departments and Offices additional exposure to our students.


McKendree RSOs - Before You Register...

Is your group a McKendree University Registered Student Organization (RSO)? Renew your organization's registrationwith the Office of Campus Activities and the Office of Student Affairs. Note that all organizations are required to renew their registration each year. Registering has many benefits, including official recognition with McKendree, free web space, ability to participate in the Involvement Fair, and a number of others!

NOTE: The Involvement Fair is not to be used for any fundraising purposes.

Please join us! You are an integral part of the McKendree community—we need you there. To reserve a table for the Fair. You must RSVP by 5pm on Thursday. August 29, 2024. Space is limited and late entries will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please call the Office of Campus Activities at 537-6856, or email at campusactivities@mckendree.edu.


(McKendree Groups/Offices Only)