Photo of McKendree University Campus Quad

University 101

The University 101 course is designed to help you succeed in all levels of your academic career. If you’re a first-year student, University 101 will help to ease your transition to university life while focusing on personal and social responsibility.

Students enrolled in University 101 will ...

  • Become acclimated to university life and recognize the differences between higher education and high school.

  • Understand McKendree University's mission statement - including this year's emphasis on effective communication.

  • Gain a thorough knowledge of the catalog, Brightspace, Self-Service, and the advising process.

  • Discover the various services to help individuals become successful and responsible McKendree citizens.

Topics Covered in University 101 are...

  • Introduction to McKendree University and the college way of life

  • Study habits

  • Effective communication

  • Majors

  • Registration

  • Leadership

  • School spirit

  • Safety

  • Financial success

  • Conflict resolution

Meet the Co-Coordinators


Photo of Jennifer R. Miller, Ed.S.Jennifer R. Miller, Ed.S.

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Co-Coordinator of University 101
Clark Hall, Lower Level
(618) 537-6572


Photo of Lauren Thompson, Ph.D.Lauren Thompson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Co-Coordinator of University 101
Carnegie Hall 106
(618) 537-6925