MAT in Special Education Program - Curriculum Requirements

EDU 508 - Intro to Teaching & Educational Psychology  (3 Credits)

EDU 511 - Teaching and Learning with Technology (2 Credits)

EDU 513 - Intro to Planning, Delivery & Assessment (3 Credits)

EDU 520 - The Learning Environment (3 Credits)

EDU 530 - Early Literacy (3 Credit)

EDU 541 - Teaching Elementary Mathematics (3 Credits)

EDU 590 - Student Teaching Seminar (1 Credit)

EDU 600 - Professional Educator Seminar (0 Credit)

SPE 500 - Foundations of Special Education (2 Credits)

SPE 509A – Field Practicum (0 Credits)

SPE 510 - Behavior Management (3 Credits)

SPE 510A - Field Practicum II (0 Credit)

SPE 520 - Collaboration & Consultation in Special Education (2 Credits)

SPE 530 - Language Development (2 Credits)

SPE 540 - Assistive Tech & Low Incidence Disabilities (3 Credits)

SPE 592 - Assessment & Progress Monitoring in Spec. Ed. (3 Credits)

SPE 594 - Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities (3 Credits)

SPE 594A - Field Practicum III (0 Credit)

SPE 599 – Teaching Performance Assessment (0 Credit)

SPE 690 - Characteristics of Students with Disabilities (3 Credits)

SPE 697 – Student Teaching: Students with Disabilities (5 Credits)

Total Credits = 44


Allison Cassens Scholarship

The Allison Cassens Community Foundation makes scholarship funds available for the MAT in Special Education. The scholarship honors the life and legacy of the late Allison Cassens, daughter of Linda and the late Allen Cassens of Edwardsville. Allison was a teacher, an internationally competitive swimmer, a pilot and a flight instructor who lost her battle with cancer in 2004 at the age of 33. Please apply for the MAT in Special Education to receive the scholarship application.