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Marketing Degree

Marketing Program

Marketing Degree

Learn everything from personal selling and marketing research to advertising and management responsibilities.

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Our marketing curriculum is based on a customer satisfaction model known as the marketing concept. You will develop skills in critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and oral and written communication. You’ll also learn to apply marketing theory.

Our cutting edge marketing program is designed to prepare you for a career in the following marketing fields:

  • Personal selling

  • Advertising

  • Marketing research

  • New product planning

  • Marketing management in retail and commercial environments



Why a B.B.A. Degree in Marketing?

The bachelor’s degree in marketing is a versatile program in which students learn everything from personal selling and marketing research to advertising and management responsibilities. Interactive clubs, honor societies, and paid internship opportunities enhance your coursework as a marketing student and give you hands-on experience even before graduation.




Photo of Holman LibraryAbout the Marketing Major

Led by faculty within the School of Business, the B.B.A. in Marketing not only prepares students for careers in marketing, but also cultivates skills in marketing management and administration. Marketing majors develop skills in critical thinking, quantitative analysis, effective communication, and the application of marketing theory. Students learn through real marketing case studies and have the opportunity to apply their marketing understanding to current issues within real companies.

2024-25 Program Catalog

A minor in Marketing is also available.




Photo of McKendree's Entryway MonumentWhy McKendree?

McKendree University provides you with interactive learning opportunities through our small class sizes, experienced faculty, and unique internship experiences that move you beyond the classroom. We are committed to your success in the degree programs we offer, the internships and extracurricular activities that will set you apart, and the college experience you’ll get here. Just 25 minutes from downtown St. Louis, Missouri, McKendree University is located in historic Lebanon, Illinois, and affords students a host of enriching cultural, career, and entertainment opportunities.



Program Highlights


  • Learn from energetic, talented, and experienced faculty who emphasize strong theoretical applications for marketing practice and performance.

  • Exciting paid internship opportunities give you the chance to network and gain valuable real world experiences.

  • Related clubs and honor societies allow you to meet others and enhance your resume.



Photo of McKendree Seal MarkerEmployment Opportunities

Careers in marketing include personal selling and marketing management in retail and commercial environments, new product planning for manufacturing firms and service providers, and marketing research for large advertisers, research firms, and advertising agencies.

Some of the companies our recent graduates are working for include:

  • Harley Davidson
  • Rend Lake Hotel
  • Total Quality Logistics



What Our Students & Alumni Are Saying



 Quotation GraphicThe business professor helps me to understand the concept but also helps me to find a job.”

~ Bailey Kempwerth


Quotation Graphic

The school of business gave me proper attention and a tool that helped me to get a full-time job and the job of my choice.”

~ Justin Fix

Quotation Graphic

The professors create an environment where I can be successful.”

~ Zach Loehr

Quotation Graphic

Marketing professors take a special interest in their students and make the class interesting.”

~ Elizabeth Dykstra





Interesting Courses


  • Consumer Behavior

  • Personal Selling

  • Sport Marketing



Club Information / Honor Societies


  • Marketing Club - Offers hands-on experience and the opportunity to interact with others in a variety of real world marketing projects. These include conducting situation and competitor analyses, marketing research, promotion design, and other services for local businesses and organizations.

  • Sigma Beta Delta (Business Honor Society) - Promotes higher scholarship in the business discipline and rewards scholastic achievement in business-related subjects.

  • Phi Beta Lambda (Business Service Club) - Encourages career development, civic service, economic education, community involvement, and business advocacy.



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Key Faculty


Photo of Dr. Brittany DobillBrittany Dobill, D.B.A.

Assistant Professor
Piper Academic Center (PAC) 105

(618) 537-6939


Photo of Dr. Allie HelfrichAllie Helfrich, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Piper Academic Center (PAC) 107

(618) 537-6933


Photo of Jean M. Sampson, D.Mgt.Jean M. Sampson, D.Mgt.

Chair, School of Business

Piper Academic Center (PAC) 106
(618) 537-6884