Career Planning Checklist




A Career Plan is a flexible tool to guide individuals in making decisions regarding courses, extra-curricular activities, part-time/summer jobs, and special projects. Each year of college, courses and activities provide experiences upon which to build and revise a Career Plan. Create your initial plan and follow up with periodic assessments, additions, and revisions.  The results are a better picture of who you are, what you can do, where you want to go, and how to get there.  The below ideas will help you get started on your path to success!





  • Enroll in core/general education courses.
  • Get to know other students, faculty, and staff on campus.
  • Familiarize yourself with our website and join us on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to stay updated on events we hold, articles related to getting a job, and current part-time/full-time/internship positions available.
  • Visit Career Services. Most seniors who did not stop by early regret that decision.
  • Conduct informational interviews with people in your area of interest. Information can be found in our office about this area.
  • Keep your grades up and seek help from McKendree's Tutoring Services or Writing Center, if needed.
  • Take online career assessments through Career Services and then schedule a career counseling appointment. 
  • Get involved with clubs and organizations, volunteer, and/or obtain a part-time job to gain valuable experience.
  • Start creating your resume, including both high school and college information.  High school inforamtion is generally removed by your sophomore year in college. 
  • Make sure that your social networking pages are neutral; do not post negative and/or profane comments, inappropriate photographs, or other questionable posts.
  • Attend the McKendree Job & Internship Fair to gather information on potential careers and employers, as well as to simply get acquainted with the format of this type of fair.


  • Encourage student to make grades a top priority.
  • Promote Career Services and our resources to your student. Our Top 10 List on the website will give you more information on our resources.
  • Inform your students that we offer career counseling if they are undecided on their major, or not sure about career opportunities within their major. We also offer two online career assessments for students.
  • Encourage student to become involved in campus activities and clubs, and speak with them about ones that may match their interests.
  • Be aware that a part-time job, even if unrelated to career interests, will be beneficial to them. Employers want graduates to have work experience!
  • Be open to ideas your student has regarding majors and career fields.
  • Encourage students to begin creating their resume. 




  • Obtain a part-time position and/or be involved in volunteer service. Build related work history!
  • Develop solid work habits.
  • Become involved in leadership activities and special projects.
  • Continue personal growth/skills development.
  • Create your resume, if you have not already done so. 


  • Encourage student to find a part-time position and/or get involved in volunteer service.
  • Continue to speak with your student about particular interests and skills.




  • Take online career assessments through Career Services and then schedule a career counseling appointment.
  • Explore potential occupations.  Visit companies and working professionals in your field of interest and conduct informational interviews.  Career Services has information on this type of interview in our office.
  • Find three to five people in your field of interest to serve as mentors.
  • Gain relevant work experience through volunteering, part-time work, or activities.
  • Begin to plan your internship search strategies.  Create or update your resume, and have reviewed by Career Services.
  • Attend the McKendree Job & Internship Fair to gather information on potential careers and employers, as well as to simply get acquainted with the format of a career fair.
  • Talk to Career Services about completing an internship for academic credit in the future. 
  • Create a LinkedIn profile and be careful of what you are posting on other social media sites.


  • Speak with your student about various majors and career fields they may be considering.
  • Encourage your student to visit Career Services for career counseling if they are undecided on their major.
  • Assist them in developing a list of people you may know in their field(s) of interest so they can contact them for an informational interview and/or shadowing.
  • Encourage student to get (or remain) involved in activities and clubs related to their interests and skills.
  • Encourage them to create or update their resume. 




  • Enroll in major/minor courses for the majority of your classes. Take electives in various areas and consider enrolling in Careers, Job Search, and Beyond for academic credit.  This course helps to better prepare students for the job search and first year on the job.
  • Register on Handshake to have access to full-time/part-time/internship positions posted specifically to McKendree in both local and out of state locations.  Students can also upload their resume to be reviewed by approved employers on this system. 
  • Create a LinkedIn account and regularly update information to your account.
  • Complete an internship for academic credit.
  • Participate in the Career Conference to increase your knowledge of networking techniques, interviewing skills and how to financially succeed after graduation.
  • Begin to plan your job search strategies. Draft or update your resume and cover letter to have them reviewed by Career Services.
  • If graduate school is an option, begin studying for your entrance exams and applying.
  • Continue to participate in meaningful extra-curricular activities. Seek a leadership role within the group if that if of interest.
  • Check academic status related to credits and GPA to ensure you are on track to graduate.
  • Check your voice mail message and email address to make sure they are professional.
  • Build strong professional relationships with people that could be potential references for you.
  • Attend McKendree’s Job & Internship Fair to gather information on potential careers and employers, and to aid in your internship search.
  • Attend our Career Conference. 


  • Encourage student to attend career fairs and other professional events through the Career Services office.
  • Encourage student to start searching for career-related experiences.
  • Encourage student to get (or remain) involved in activities and clubs related to their interests and skills.
  • Speak with student about career-related goals.
  • Encourage student to keep resume updated. 




  • Review your social media accounts for any inappropriate content and create/update your LinkedIn account to network professionally with others. Check your voice mail message and email address to make sure they are professional. Google yourself to see what others can find.
  • Complete graduation requirements and an internship for academic credit.
  • Attend the Job & Internship Fairs sponsored by Career Services.
  • Participate in the Career Conference to increase your knowledge of networking techniques, interviewing skills and how to financially succeed after graduation.
  • Register and take graduate school entrance exams and submit applications if required.
  • Make sure you have a polished resume, cover letter, and other employer correspondence.
  • Ask three to five people if they would be willing to serve as your professional references and create a references page. Ask for letters of recommendation if needed.
  • Schedule a mock interview session with Career Services. Purchase appropriate interview attire that is suited for your field.
  • Target places of potential employment and begin researching the organizations.
  • Start the job search process early in your senior year through several methods.
  • NETWORK with as many people as possible and obtain their business cards to follow up!
  • Join related professional organizations while you are a student.
  • Register on Handshake to have access to internships and positions posted specifically for McKendree studentsn and alumni.  Post your resume so approved employers can review online.   


  • Encourage your student to participate in events sponsored by Career Services and other professional events.
  • Give your student ideas for people who are in your/their “network” system, since so many jobs are found this way.
  • Ask student how you can help, but DO NOT give them too much assistance! While they can use resources you may have, they should be writing their own resume and cover letter, doing their own company research, and attending events on their own.
  • Listen to them. This is a stressful time for most students.


Career Readiness Competencies

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Oral/Written Communications


Information Technology Application


Professionalism/Work Ethic

Career Management

Global/Intercultural Fluency

National Association of Colleges and Employers