

Helping You Quickly Transition to Remote Instruction


Multiple resources including videos, toolkits, and more.

Nearly all supporting resources to aid schools during this accelerated transition will be linked here. ·



Accelerate Your Transition to Remote Instruction


These cover basics of Learn, Collaborate and building mobile content.

Series of 30-minute sessions · WEBINAR: Preparing to Scale Online Teaching and Learning During Coronavirus

Best practices for ensuring content is online and accessible for your learners

Examples from other institutions who have transitioned to a fully online state during natural disasters and other crises

 Introduction to the use of online program management to scale access to your learners

Q&A with Blackboard Support and Product Management teams on scalability


Webinar II



Preparing to Scale Online Teaching and Learning During Coronavirus

Best practices for ensuring content is online and accessible for your learners

Examples from other institutions who have transitioned to a fully online state during natural disasters and other crises

Introduction to the use of online program management to scale access to your learners

Q&A with Blackboard Support and Product Management teams on scalability