Student Photography Perspectives

Krystin Major ’16 spent the spring semester capturing daily life at McKendree University through the lens of her camera. The business administration major, leadership student and lacrosse player enjoys taking pictures as a hobby. Her top nine photos are featured in this photo essay.

Student Photography Perspectives
1. Practice: Every morning I wake up and the first thing I do is head to lacrosse practice!


Student Photography Perspectives

2. Library window: I believe this view is a hidden treasure that is located in the library. I often meet classmates to work on a group project here. The window overlooks our new fierce Bearcat statue. I pass him every day on my journey to class.


Student Photography Perspectives

3. Quad: One of the best parts of McK is the use of the environment for social settings. If it’s beautiful outside it is a guarantee that someone’s out in the quad playing Frisbee or throwing around a baseball.


Student Photography Perspectives

4. Studying: Yes it is finals week! Studying till the early morning is basically a requirement. I usually find an empty desk on the second floor of the library and get to work.


Student Photography Perspectives

5. Reading at tree: When you leave Ames you see this huge tree right in front of the bookstore. I usually catch someone out here reading.


Student Photography Perspectives

6. Ames: Each semester our Student Affairs staff treats the students to a delicious pancake breakfast at dinner time during stressful finals week. The best part, it’s at night when you’re busy cramming for exams!


Student Photography Perspectives

7. Work Study in Gym: I work in the weight and cardio room a few times a week under work study. It is convenient to be able to walk to work, and see classmates all at the same time as I make some grocery money.


Student Photography Perspectives

8. Pizza with the President: One of the coolest parts about McKendree is our president, Dr. Dennis. He always invites students over to have pizza! I was able to go with my sorority sisters.


Student Photography Perspectives

9. Front Lawn: This is my secret spot on campus. I like to come here between classes when I have a little break. Everyone drives past the front lawn, and walks by it, but on beautiful days more people will come and lounge.