McKendree Magazine - Summer 2018

President's Message

President Dr. Dennis
Dear Friends,

We have just opened another academic year and welcomed the Class of 2022. In the spring, our newest graduates joined the ranks of more than 20,000 alumni who share a place in the rich history of this University. On February 20, 2018, we marked the beginning of a yearlong celebration of the 190th anniversary of the founding of McKendree University. To observe this milestone, you will notice in this issue of the magazine the first in a series of articles entitled “Then and Now,” which will focus on the history and traditions of the University. This series will culminate in the bicentennial celebration of McKendree University in February 2028.


These milestones are significant for the University but more importantly, they serve as an opportunity for us to celebrate together all of the people that have been touched by this venerable history. This issue shares some of these remarkable stories. One of the stories is very dear to me because it was made possible by a gift that memorializes a young woman who I had the privilege of knowing well. I know you will enjoy reading about the Allison Cassens Scholarship, and the difference that gift is making both in the life of one of the students who received funding from it, and now in the lives of the students she serves following her education at McKendree. I believe you will also enjoy reading about some of the innovative work going on in our academic programs, such as our new cyber-related programs and activities, and a remarkable interdisciplinary hands-on project our biology, marketing and art students and faculty have been engaged in at Willoughby Farms in Collinsville, Ill.

When asked, most everyone affiliated with the University will tell you, the people are what make this place special, and the people of McKendree University are what we celebrate as we mark the 190th anniversary of our McKendree!


James M. Dennis
