The McKendrean Magazine for McKendree Univeristy - Summer 2023

A Message from President Dobbins

President Dobbins with StudentsDear Campus Community, Alumni and Friends of McKendree,


This past semester has proved to be an exciting time for the university. So far, we have celebrated our tenth-annual Academic Excellence Day, conferred 548 degrees to our graduating students, and started offering new programs to help paraprofessionals become full-fledged teachers in the state of Illinois. As we prepare to welcome our Bearcats home for another academic year, we have so much more to celebrate.


As alumni, we all recall the professors at McKendree who guided us along the path to success and made a difference in our lives. It’s no secret that our faculty here continue to carry this torch by sharing their knowledge, passion, and guidance with their students. These faculty members are helping us fulfill the third pillar of our U.N.I.T.E.D. strategic plan – Intellectual Experience – by teaching interesting and enriching courses to help prepare students for the real world, nourish their minds, and instill in them a continued desire for lifelong learning. We will highlight a few of these intriguing courses and showcase the amazing work that has already been achieved thus far in the first feature of this magazine.


In 2006, our campus was blessed with the addition of The Hettenhausen Center for the Arts, thanks to the generous donation of Fern M. Hettenhausen in remembrance of her husband, Russel. Since then, the Hett has welcomed countless world-class acts, including extraordinary music, theatre and dance performances, inspiring lectures, and more. In our second feature, one of our students shares her unique experience in attending an immersive event at the Hett this past spring. Be sure to look for this next season’s upcoming shows, and consider joining us for a performance, becoming a season ticketholder, or sponsoring an event.


Finally, I wish to extend a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who supported our inaugural Founders Week this past February. Your involvement, encouragement, and donations helped us to make this weeklong celebration a true success, and we look forward to future celebrations as we approach our bicentennial. I eagerly anticipate what the future holds for McKendree and am continuously inspired by our faculty and staff who work hard to make this university the incredible institution that it is today. It is through the efforts and support of many that I remain proud to be a Bearcat!

Together, We Are One McKendree!

Daniel C. Dobbins '81

President | McKendree University