The McKendrean: Official Magazine of McKendree University - Winter 2022

McKendree Endows Two Faculty Members with Prestigious Awards

During Convocation Dr. Tami Eggleston had a surprise up her sleeve as she presented Dr. Lauren Thompson, newly-promoted assistant professor of history, and Dr. Brenda Boudreau, professor of English, with endowed professorships.

“There are many things that make McKendree University such a special place, but the main reason is simple – it is the people and the connections that you can make here,” Tami said. “We celebrate a few of our amazing faculty members with these awards and know that they will hold them with pride for years.”


Dr. Lauren Thompson

Lauren was awarded the Hedding Deneen and Charles Samuel Deneen Memorial Professorship of Early American History. She teaches and conducts research on early American history with a focus on African American history, slavery and the Civil War. She recently published a book titled “Friendly Enemies: Soldier Fraternization throughout the American Civil War” and has authored other history-based pieces. Thompson serves on the University’s Social Justice and Equity Committee and was the recipient of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award in 2019.


Dr. Brenda Boudreau

Brenda was awarded the James M. Hamill Chair of English award, based on the approval from the Board of Trustees. Brenda has been a full-time faculty member at the University since 1998 and is the longest serving member of the English department. She teaches courses in English literature and composition and her scholarly expertise is in media communications with a focus on pop culture and women’s issues. The University has honored her with the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award in 2010, The United Methodist Exemplary Teaching Award in 2008 and the William Norman Grandy Faculty Award in 2003.