Student Success & Advising Center
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Clark Hall, Lower Level
Telephone: (618) 537-6520
Fax: (618) 537-6538
The mission of the Student Success and Advising Center is to support a successful
transition for undergraduate students into the intellectual, social, and cultural
community of McKendree University.
Here at McKendree University, we want to do everything we can to support your academic
and personal growth. Whether you are a freshman needing help with your initial transition
to McKendree or a senior wanting to make sure you are on track to graduate, the Success
Center can help!
The Student Success and Advising Center offers disability services, writing and tutoring
services, and help structuring your class schedule, among a variety of other services.
We can also help you with time management skills, study techniques, and navigating
campus policies and procedures.
To help you make the most of your time as a Bearcat, check out the Student Success
and Transition page. You will find information on offices and programs from around
campus that can make your college experience the best it can be.
The Success Center Team
Director of Student Success and Advising
(618) 537-6562
Student Success Mentor
(618) 537-6427