Join the Staff

Staff Applications:

Campus Activities Board is currently accepting applications for 2022-23 positions! If you are a current McKendree University student that is interested in a paid leadership position within Campus Activities Board, please use the links on the right side of this page for position descriptions, requirements and application.


Students Involved in CAB...

      • Develop excellent leadership skills
      • Improve communication and time-management skills
      • Gain knowledge that can be transferred to most jobs
      • May be selected to attend conferences to network with other students, activities professionals and performers

Finding Your Place in CAB

CAB gives you the chance to broaden your college experience, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and plan some fun events. How can you do this? Sign up to be a CAB Member or apply for a paid leadership position as a Coordinator.

The Campus Activities Board Staff is made up of a select number of hard-working individuals who are dedicated to strengthening their skills as leaders on campus, and providing quality programming to the students of McKendree University.