High School Model UN FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions, Tips for Delegates, & Helpful Research Sites

When and where are the conferences held?

All conferences are held on the Lebanon campus of McKendree University.

How do I register my school for McKendree's Model UN conference?

Please email ModelUN@mckendree.edu to contact the Secretary General.

Is there any place to stay during the conference?

McKendree does not offer campus housing for delegates during the conference. There are a number of hotels in and near the Lebanon area. Email modelun@mckendree.edu for a list of hotels in the area.

Do we need to order or bring food for the conference?

Delegates may eat at Ames Dining Hall, our on-campus cafeteria. Delegates may also bring sack lunches. Advisors will be responsible for keeping the lunches until students are released from committee for their designated lunch hour. McKendree has several open quads that lend themselves to eating outdoors.

What committees are offered?

1st Committee - Political

3rd Committee - Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian

6th Committee - Legal

Special Political

Economic and Social Council

Science and Technology

Security Council

General Assembly

• World Health Organization


What should delegates bring to committee? What is not allowed?

Each delegate should bring a copy of the resolutions for his/her committee. Each delegate may bring their own materials (pens, paper, notes, information, etc). McKendree will provide a placard (1 per committee, per nation).

Laptops are allowed in committee but are only to be used for topical matierals. Use of cell phones in committees is not allowed. The use and monitoring of these are devices are at the discretion of the chair. 

What is the Dress Code for delegates?

The dress code for all delegates is professional western business attire. Men should wear a tie, jacket, dress pants, and dress shoes. Women should also wear dress pants or skirts that reach the knee and a business-style top or collared shirt as well. Tennis shoes and sandals are not permitted.

Delegates are not allowed to wear garments native to their country.

Delegates are required to wear the credentials provided to them at all times during the conference.

Does my school need to bring a faculty advisor?

Yes, all schools attending the conference must bring at least one faculty advisor to be present for the entirety of the conference. Faculty Advisors are welcome to gather in our teachers’ lounge in Carnegie Hall during the conference. In addition, a meeting will take place to discuss issues with the present conference and forthcoming conference. The time of the meeting will be decided by the Secretary General before each conference.

Need more information?

Feel free to click on the other links/available documents on our homepage or email modelun@mckendree.edu with any other questions or concerns you may have regarding the Model UN Program.

My Delegates are not sure how to pronounce all the country names. How do you pronounce (insert country here)?

AMUN, American Model United Nations, has put together a wonderful video with pronunciations of all of the nation states on it.

Other Helpful Tips for Delegates & Links for Research

Always do your best to be diplomatic with both the chair and other delegates.

Use your country bloc and closely allied nations as a base to support your ideas.

Make sure to represent the views of the nation you represent, not your personal views.

Be sure your ideas fall under the authority and responsibility of your committee and do not shift responsibility to other committees.

Make sure to implement organizations, committees, and policies that already exist when trying to find an efficient solution to large scale problems.


Permanent Missions

United Nations Website