
Ambassador Program

The Ambassador Program is an Illinois Phi Beta Lambda program used to help members decide whether or not they want to run for a state officer position. In order to be an ambassador, you must attend one of the seminar series (Fall or Winter) and help at a FBLA area conference. Outside of these two requirements, you will be assigned to a state officer to help with small tasks such as finding door prizes for the State Leadership Conference. Please inform an officer if you are interested in becoming an Ambassador to get additional information and access to an application.

Career Membership Achievement Program (CMAP)

CMAP is a great opportunity to make an addition to your resume without having to win a competitive event. There are three levels: Director, Executive, and President. Each level requires you to complete certain tasks through an online program in order to achieve the award. The levels are relatively easy to complete and don’t take too much time. Your adviser has to sign you up and approve you online, so remember to ask an officer for additional guidance if you are interested in this program. > Phi Beta Lambda > CMAP

Fall Seminar Series (FSS)

At the seminar, members attend the state board meeting, listen to workshops on various topics from career preparation to Phi Beta Lambda information, and hear a keynote speaker. FBLA members will be invited, and lunch is also provided.

Institute for Leaders (IFL)

Institute for Leaders precedes the National Leadership Conference. It is a fast pace leadership seminar where each member chooses a major and a minor listed before the conference ranging from topics such as Finance Leadership to Entrepreneurship. It is also a great networking opportunity for members to meet individuals before beginning the National Leadership Conference. Most attendees are local and state officers, but all members are welcome.

Local Chapter Meetings

We will meet in PAC 222 at 12pm every other Monday unless it conflicts with the school schedule or finals (refer to calendar for exact dates). At these meetings, we will discuss upcoming state and national conferences, present speakers to the organization about career-related conferences, and decide on local chapter activities. These meetings are the starting point to becoming an active member in the organization and will give you the opportunity to see what the state and national organization has to offer you as a member.

March of Dimes

March of Dimes is the national charity for Phi Beta Lambda. The purpose of the organization is to raise money to save premature babies. At the State Leadership Conference, chapters compete to see who can raise the most money throughout the year, therefore McKendree Phi Beta Lambda will be raising money for this cause throughout the year in addition to fundraisers for conference attendance. Also, at the National Leadership Conference, Phi Beta Lambda will host a March of Dimes – Walk for Babies. This is a great opportunity to get involved and show support for the charity.

National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC)

Each year three National Fall Leadership Conferences are held across the United States to help FBLA and PBL members grow as leaders and as individuals. Since distance to a NFLC is considerable amount, funding will not allow our chapter to take several students unless the students are willing to pay for the conference. This is the only national conference that includes high school and college students in the same conference.

National Leadership Conference (NLC)

National Leadership Conference is the ultimate goal for active members in Phi Beta Lambda. If you earn first or second place (sometimes third) at the State Leadership Conference in a competitive event, you have the opportunity to compete at the National Leadership Conference. In addition to competitive events, you have the chance to network with business students from across the country. Furthermore, there are numerous workshops, networking sessions, certification opportunities, and keynote speakers for members to take advantage of while attending the conference. This year, the conference will be held in Anaheim, California (June 22 - 25, 2013).

State Leadership Conference (SLC)

The State Leadership Conference is held at the Thelma Keller Convention Center in Effingham, Illinois. This conference gives members the opportunity to compete in competitive events ranging from performance events to written tests related to business skills and knowledge (see competitive event list). Also, students can participate in team, chapter, or individual events. In addition to competitive events, members listen to workshops, elect the incoming state officers, hear a keynote speaker, participate in a statewide bowling social event, and attend an award ceremony. This is a two-day conference and a great opportunity to network with business students from across the state. This year, the state leadership conference will be held at the Keller convention Center in Effingham, Illinois from April 6-7, 2013.

State Officer Training

State Officer Training is held directly after the State Leadership Conference. Only incoming and outgoing state officers attend this session to prepare for the upcoming year. If you are elected to a state office, the state budget will pay for you to stay an extra night in the hotel and provide dinner. This year, the state officer training is April 6-7, 2013 in the Keller Convention Center in Effingham, Illinois.

Winter Seminar Series (WSS)

This is very similar to the Fall Seminar Series, but it has recently been designated a business casual event. Also, different workshops will be presented at the seminar. McKendree University members carpool to this event, and it is a one-day seminar.