How to Start an Organization

The Registration process is outlined below.  The entire process can take a bit of time because of the steps involved.  Approval for new organizations is required from the Office of Student Affairs.  It pays to be prepared and to keep in contact with the Office of Campus Activities and the Office of Student Affairs regarding your organization's status.

Once your initial information has been submitted and it receives approval from the Office of Campus Activities and the Office of Student Affairs, your organization is granted certain privileges.  Therefore, you can start actively recruiting new members, publicizing your organization, and reserving University facilities.

Maintaining Recognition

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) assume both privileges and responsibilities.  In order to maintain recognition status, all organizations must register within the specified dates of the start of the Fall Semester
every year .  Changes in officer and member status should be reported to the Office of Campus Activities when they occur. 

Organizations failing to register within this time period will become defunct, losing all privileges of a recognized student organization at McKendree University.   Defunct organizations are eligible to apply for re-admission.  The re-admission process for defunct student organization will be the same process as for new organizations.

Recognition Process

Step One

The first step to form a RSO at McKendree is to complete an "Intent to Organize" form.  This form can be found in the New RSO Packet.  It can be found below.  There must be at least seven (7) interested McKendree students in order to begin this process.  The packet will explain this number further.  Completion of this form will grant pending status to groups awaiting formal recognition. 

Download the New RSO Packet


This will give the organization the following privileges:          

·   The right to reserve university facilities for the purpose of holding initial organizational meetings.

·   The right to publicize group meetings.

·   The right to invite membership.

Step Two

Within 30 days of completing the "Intent to Organize" form, the organization will complete the remaining requirements for recognition:

·   Write a constitution

·   Select an advisor

·   Become familiar with the Registered Student Organization Handbook

·   Complete the New Student Organization Checklist

Step Three

Return all information to the Office of Campus Activities (Lower Deneen Center – The Lair) for review.

Step Four

The Director of Campus Activities will forward requests for recognition to the Office of Student Affairs.   The Office of Student Affairs reviews the request and constitution for compliance with local, state, and federal laws and university policy.

Step Five

If changes are necessary, the Office of Student Affairs will request that revisions be made to the recognition request.   If changes are not necessary and the request meets specifications, formal recognition shall be granted.

Step Six

Official campus recognition is an honor and recognized organizations assume responsibilities and privileges.  This is an organizational status and must be maintained.  All organizations must re-register before mid-August of the Fall Semester each academic year.  Upon recognition, organizations have the following privileges:

·   Use of University facilities, equipment and services (within McKendree University policy guidelines) for purposes relative to organization goals. (some restrictions apply)

·   Permission to conduct fundraising that will benefit members.

·   Right to request funds from the Student Government Association or to access previously allocated funds.

·   Right to participate in all University events.

·   Use of the University name, mailing address and mailroom.

·   Use of the University tax-exempt status.

·   Establishment of a budget account with the business office for financial transactions.

·   Use of desk or storage space in the lower Pearsons area.

·   Use of electronic storage space for your organization

·   Ability to maintain an organizational web site

·   Recognition from McKendree University, which allows participation in events such as the Involvement Fair, Bearcat Week, Homecoming, and Spring Fling.

·   Permission to hold events, meetings and other activities on the McKendree University campus.

·   Listings in campus publications.

·   The use of on-campus printing and duplication services

·   The use of campus vehicles (pending proper training and authorization through Public Safety)

·   The right to assemble

·   Participation in training and workshops geared towards strengthening your student organization

To continue privileges of a recognized student organization, the organization must abide by established University policies and regulations.   By seeking official recognition, the membership of the student organization acknowledges that the organization will be operated in a fiscally responsible manner and that the University is not responsible for any financial obligation made by a student organization.