Housing Processes

Check-In and Move-In


McKendree University is located at 701 College Avenue in Lebanon, Illinois and is easily accessible by car, bus, or train.  Travel to the St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) is only a 40 minute drive while the MidAmerica St. Louis Airport (BLV) is a short 10 minute drive.  Lebanon is just to the north of Interstate Road 64 and south of Interstate Roads 55 and 70 using Illinois State Route 4.  Please view our Campus Map for additional information.

Contacting Roommates

Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), McKendree University will not provide personal information of any student, including roommates information, to anyone over the phone. As students are provided information about housing assignments, they will be notified of their roommate's name(s) and McKendree email address.  All students are encouraged to check and use their own McKendree email address for communication.

Move-In Day Instructions

Students can check in to their dormitory or apartment only as of the first day of their Housing Contract.  Move-In Day can be a stressful time for both students & their parents/families.  To help you navigate the process, students are encouraged to look through the Office of Residence Life's Move-in Guide prior to coming to campus.  This document provides students with a wide variety of information, including move-in day instructions, local restaurant & shopping, and a list of what students should bring to comfortably live in their space.  Additional information will also be sent to their McKendree student email account.

New First-Year and Transfer students are permitted to begin moving into their fall housing assignment on Thursday, August 22, 2024.  This is also the same day of New Student Orientation; collecting keys to housing occurs after the F.A.S.T. Forward orientation process is completed.  Continuing students are permitted to begin moving into their fall housing assignment starting on Friday, August 23, 2024.  Please watch your McKendree student email accounts for noticies of how to sign up for check-in timeslots.  

Early Arrivals

Early arrivals into the halls or apartments need to be approved before arrival.  Some students will need to arrive on campus as part of an athletic team, academic requirement, on campus job, etc.  

Costs: Housing = $25.00 per day and Board = $25.00 per day which cover breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Most official McKendree groups/teams will cover these costs; please speak with your coach/advisor to verify.  Students must be approved to arrive early to campus.  Requests can be made on the ResLife Portal.

If a student does not receive approval, they will not be permitted to move into their assignment before the new or continuing student move-in dates provided. Early arrival requests cannot always be granted due to the administrative and housekeeping burden they cause.  If you do arrive to Lebanon before you can check in to your building or apartment, please contact a local hotel or bed & breakfast for overnight accommodationsStudents who are found in violation of this will receive a fine from the Office of Student Conduct at a cost of $75 per day.

See our Early Arrival Policy in detail here.


Room Changes

Consolidations when there is a Vacancy

From time to time, it happens that a student may end up in a living situation where there is a vacancy in their room. When this occurs, students who find themselves without roommates because of cancellation, withdrawals, room changes, etc. have the following options:

  1. Room with another student who has a vacancy. You could move in with them or they could move in with you. Discuss what would be the best setup for you all.
  2. Move into a single room (which is at a higher rate) if there is an opening
  3. Accept a new placement or a new roommate(s) made by the Office of Residence Life.

What is the consolidation process?

The consolidation process is when the Office of Residence Life reaches out to students in rooms, suites, or apartments with vacancies to move them to a new space with a roommate or to let them know that they are getting a new roommate to fill their vacancy. In short, it is when the Office of Residence Life facilitates the process because the student has not done so themselves.

The Office of Residence Life is obligated to maximize bed space for new and returning students, to be as equitable as possible with housing placements, and to help reduce our carbon footprint by saving on water and electricity. When we save money in one area, that money can go to other improvement projects on campus. Additionally, students agree to this process when they sign their housing agreement; we hold all students accountable to this for several reasons:

    • To provide students with the full college experience by allowing them to experience the learning opportunities of living with a fellow Bearcat.
    • To ensure that students pay for the room and living arrangements for which they agreed.
    • To provide for the safety and security of all individuals living on campus.

Why would I be moved?

    • You are at 50% or less occupancy in a bedroom and/or apartment
    • Students were assigned to temporary housing locations
    • Administrative needs, including facility or security concerns
    • ADA/medical accommodations

How does the consolidation process work?

After move-in is finished, Residence Life staff will work to communicate with you should your room/apartment qualify to be consolidated. In the meantime, if there is a vacant space in your room/apartment, please make sure to leave the space open for a new assignment.

Students who find themselves without a roommate are encouraged to take the initiative to fill vacancies or move into another opening. Residence Life does provide a Vacancy List so that students can look at others in a similar situation and attempt to resolve the circumstance themselves. Instructions about how and when to move will be sent if students are unable to resolve the matter themselves.

If your roommate leaves for any reason during the semester, you may be required to consolidate.

What if I refuse?

Please know that staff will make themselves available to work with students involved in the consolidation process to help explore options and work towards a quick and amicable resolution. Also: 

  • The University reserves the right to make changes in the residency assignments, if necessary, for the most effective accommodations of the student body.
  • Students living in three-, four-, and six-person rooms, suites, or apartments that are not filled to capacity will be subject to consolidation. 
  • A student who stalls or refuses to consolidate is subject to being charged for a single for the entire semester and may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students who deliberately attempt to remove, prevent, discourage, refuse, or intimidate a roommate to obtain or maintain a single will be required to move from the existing room into another double-occupancy arrangement and can be subject to disciplinary action through the student conduct system.
  • Consistent with McKendree’s commitment to non-discrimination, roommate assignments and changes cannot be made based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, or age.

Will I have to leave my hall?

Maybe. While the Office of Residence Life will do everything possible to keep you in the same building, that is not always possible. If you are consolidated to another building, we will do our best to keep you in a building that is the same price point as your current assignment, unless you request a specific area that is at a different price point.

For students living in apartments and suites with other roommates, Residence Life will do its best to keep roommate groupings together when consolidating spaces, but that is not always possible.

Do I have to stay on my floor/in my building if I want to move somewhere else?

First-year students will only be allowed to move or to consolidate in Baker, Barnett, Walton, The Suites, and Res Hall East/West. Students must have 30+ credits to live in apartments. Thus, sophomores, juniors, and seniors may move to any residential building as long as they are moving into an available space with another student.

Will I be charged if I cannot find a roommate?

No. If there is an odd number of roommate pairs, you may not have a roommate, but one could be placed in your room (or you moved to them) at any time so half the space will need to remain “move-in-ready” at all times.

Can I buy out my double room as a single room?

No. Due to changes in how the institution works with the Fair Housing Act and ADA laws, students can request to move to a single room if space allows, but they cannot pay more to have a space for two people or more to themselves. There is an additional cost/higher price point for single rooms.  Please note that space can be limited in a given building, and a request does not guarantee a single room. Our office will contact you with approval or denial of your request based on space needs. 

What if I don’t know anyone else to live with?

The Office of Residence Life is available to help students in this situation. We can provide a Vacancy List to students who are looking for potential roommates. Students can also reach out to their residential building staff to help find other students looking for roommates or you can contact Residence Life directly.

Residence Life offers several programs and events that provide the opportunity for students to meet other students and help you get to know that new person, and work on a roommate agreement to live together as comfortably as possible. .


Help with Roommate Conflicts

Living with roommates isn't always easy. Sharing a living space may be stressful, and conflicts may arise. Sometimes situations that work at the beginning of the year become more difficult as the year goes on; remember that college is a time when students grow and change which can certainly impact even the healthiest of roommate relationships. It is perfectly normal to have roommate conflicts.

Many conflicts can be resolved easily with a mature and respectful conversation between roommates. Other conflicts may be more difficult to resolve and may require assistance through a formal mediation process. In extreme cases, conflicts may not be able to be resolved and result in a room change for one or both roommates. It is never our desire to force students to live in a room where the climate is wrought with tension and frustration or where conflict cannot be resolved. We do, however, expect students to make a sincere and collaborative effort to work through the conflict, communicate their concerns clearly, and develop strong conflict management or coping skills in the process. Our residential areas are also very full and at times we may not have the space available to move students into a new or different space.

The Office of Residence Life offers a number of resources to students facing roommate conflicts. Roommate conflicts are initially handled at the floor/community level by your Resident Assistant. Residence Life Professional staff guide RAs through each roommate conflict. Students seeking assistance should begin by talking with their RA.

Roommate conflicts are not addressed by the Director or Assistant Director of Residence Life unless the hall staff requires assistance in doing so. It is also important to note that the University expects students, not parents, to work through the conflict mediation process.

Below are some resources to help students and families with roommate conflicts:
Navigating Roommate Conflicts
How to Have a Mediation
Resources for Families


Room Change Process from Conflict

Sometimes roommate conflicts do result in a room change. Residence Life staff will work with students to find new room accommodations on campus (when spaces are available). Students are required to participate in the roommate mediation process before a room change is approved. This is to ensure that students have the opportunity to intentionally engage in learning conflict management skills and to ensure all roommates have the experience of attempting to compromise and work out a solution, which is an important part of community life.

The role of Residence Life staff is not to determine which roommate is at fault for the demise of the relationship. Rather our role is (1) to assist in the communication, which is aimed at resolving conflict, and (2) to make logistical arrangements for room changes when necessary. This means that we will work with students who come to us to move into a new room. We will not make their roommate move unless this is an agreed-upon solution reached during mediation.

To request a room change, please email us at reslife@mckendree.edu


Moving Out

Checkout Process

Sign up for a check out time as soon as you are able.  During the semester, please contact your Resident Assistant to schedule a time for them to come to your location and complete your room condition report.  If at the end of the semester, please watch for announcements about how to sign up for a checkout time.

Complete the Damage Responsibility Form if damages were caused. The Damage Responsibility Form gives every occupant the opportunity to accept responsibility for damages caused during the course of your stay and to be charged accordingly. Damages that are found that are not indicated on the Damage Responsibility Form will be assessed and charges will be divided among all occupants of the living unit.  We suggest that all occupants review their accommodations together; each person can fill out the form as much as they need to. 

Each resident must individually sign paperwork and return their keys.  Giving your key to another student to turn in for you will result in a $75 improper check out fee. There is a $200 key charge for non-returned/lost keys.

All items must be out of the room and building before you check out and return your key. Also, nothing should be in the hallways or lobbies.  Basically, after you turn in your key you should be ready to leave the building and campus.

Your housing assignment must be clean.  It is our expectation that students dust/clean all surfaces as well as vacuum/sweep all floors.  Please take all trash to the dumpsters.  Charge rates for additional housekeeping can be quite high; to see a list of possible charges, please check the Addendum of our Terms and Conditions.

Furniture needs to be in a configuration that is conducive to use for the next resident(s). Beds unbunked with the springboard set to the highest setting. One dresser placed underneath each bed if possible. Desk and chairs in a usable placement so that there is free access and movement for the user.  Speak with your current residence life staff if you have questions about this.

If checkout guidelines are not followed you may be assessed a $75 improper check-out fee (missing or not scheduling an appointment, not having your belongings out of the space, poor furniture arrangement, etc.).  If your schedule changes and you are unable to check out at the time you signed up for, please call our office at 618-537-6855 and ask to speak with your RD or AC.  We will do our best to be accommodating.

The condition of your assignment will be reviewed by a staff member after you turn in your key to the Residence Life Professional Staff Member after you leave.  They will utilize the information you provided in your Room Condition Report at Check-In to see if there are any damages or changes.  The Professional Staff Member will document and assess any potential charges and notify you via email about any costs associated with found damages.

A list of common fines or fees can be found in the Addendum of our Terms and Conditions.

How to Withdraw

In case of complete withdrawal or transfer from the University, the student must:

  1. Log onto MyMcK and connect to Self-Service to withdraw from the next semester's class.  If the withdraw is happening during the middle of the semester, the student must complete the Add/Drop Form
  2. Complete the Academic Departure Form
  3. If you are a member of a student organization, academic competition group, Musical group/ensemble, or on an athletic team, you will need to notify them of your departure.
  4. Reach out to the Office of Residence Life to arrange your checkout from housing if you live on campus.
  5. Please check the Student Finance section of your Self-Service to make sure your balance is paid in full. 

Once these steps are all complete and submitted, the university personnel will start closing the student's account. When your account is clear, you can request your official transcript.  If additional information is needed, a staff member will reach out to the student via their McKendree Email address.